
 2023-03-25 18:03:56


摘 要


在电力市场环境下发电公司要竞价,其最关心的问题是如何构造最优的报价策略以获取最大利润。论文通过估计竞争对手的报价行为来构造发电商的最优报价策略。但当系统输电容量不足导致输电阻塞时,会对发电商的最优报价策略产生影响。研究了联营体模式下输电阻塞对发电商竞价策略和竞价效益的影响,假设已估计出竞争对手的报价行为并以日前交易市场为基础采用节点电价法进行阻塞管理的情况下,建立了求解该问题的双层优化竞价策略模型,并采用遗传算法对其求解计算。最后使用 IEEE14节点系统进行算例分析,结果显示提出的方法可用于指导发电商制定报价策略。



Today, in the market of China"s power industry is an irreversible historical trend. In the electricity market, power suppliers to become self-financing independent economic entity, it is necessary to submit a quote curve participate in market competition, to achieve its goal to power trading operations control center in accordance with market rules. For electricity providers, which offer a policy decision taken by the size of their income level.

In the power market environment, power generation companies to bid, the most concerned problem is how to construct the optimal bidding strategy to maximize profit. The optimal bidding strategy by estimating bidding behaviors of competitors to construct power suppliers. But when the system transmission capacity due to insufficient transmission congestion, will affect the optimal bidding strategy of power supplier. Study on the congestion influence on bidding strategy and bidding benefits in pool mode, that has estimated that the bidding behaviors of competitors and to a trading market for using the nodal price method based congestion management, establish a two-tier optimization bidding strategy model to solve the problem, and using genetic algorithm to solve the problem. Finally IEEE14 bus system using a numerical example, showed that the proposed method can be used to guide the development of bidding strategies of generation companies.

Keywords: The power market;Bidding strategy;Congestion management;Genetic algorithm


摘 要 .................................................................. Ⅰ

Abstract .................................................................. Ⅱ

第一章 引 言 ............................................................. 1

1.1 选题背景与意义 ...................................................... 1

1.2 课题关键问题及难点 .................................................. 1

1.3 本文主要工作 ........................................................ 1

第二章 基于估计对手报价的发电商最优报价模型 .............................. 2

2.1 市场出清模型 ....................................................... 2

2.2 发电商的最大利润模型 ............................................... 3

2.3 基于估计对手报价的发电商最优报价模型 ............................... 3

第三章 考虑有输电阻塞影响时的发电商最优报价模型 ......................... 6

3.1 直流潮流模型 ........................................................ 6

3.2 考虑有输电阻塞影响时的发电商最大利润模型 ............................ 7

3.3 调整发电商出力使阻塞费用最小的模型 .................................. 7

第四章 求解算法 .......................................................... 10

4.1 算法流程 ............................................................ 10

4.2 应用遗传算法求解最优报价策略 ........................................ 10

第五章 算例分析 .......................................................... 14

第六章 结论 .............................................................. 17

致 谢 .................................................................. 18

参考文献 .................................................................. 19

第一章 引 言


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