摘 要
Abstract:With the rapid development of domestic industry, labor costs continue to increase, so the screen printing machine to improve the potential, reduce the volume of screen printing presses, improve the accuracy of screen printing machine control, liberate manpower, improve production efficiency is of great significance. This design uses Siemens PLC, the screen printing machine electrical control system design and transformation. High-performance microprocessor, fully meet the design needs of the equipment, through the use of PLC, touch screen, inverter to simplify the line of equipment, the addition of dangerous alarms, downtime. The touch screen, frequency converter and PLC communication interface are designed in detail. In the software aspect program is divided into main program, automatic program, manual program and reset program four parts, the use of modular programming method, in the trapezoidal diagram of the program function has a detailed annotation. In the aspect of man-machine interface, the various functional interfaces in the touch screen are developed by using the corresponding software, which improves the operation performance and facilitates the operator"s operation experience. Through this design to achieve a one-click Start, automatic completion of production, the liberation of manpower, greatly increased the safety performance of the equipment; high-performance processors make computing faster, allow faster implementation of complex logic, and improve product productivity and product accuracy.
Key words: screen print , plc, frequency transformer, The human-computer interaction
1 绪论 4
1.1 丝网印刷及丝网印刷机 4
1.2 丝网印刷机在国内外的发展趋势 4
1.3 研究课题的意义和目的 5
1.4本文的研究内容 6
2 丝网印刷机的控制方案设计 6
2.1丝网印刷的工作原理 6
2.2 丝网印刷机的设计要求 7
2.3 丝网印刷机的控制结构 7
3 丝网印刷机系统的硬件设计 8
3.1 PLC的选型 8
3.2 PLC的 I/O地址分配变量表 9
3.3 变频器的选型 10
3.4 触摸屏选型 11
3.5 丝网印刷机的主电路 13
3.6 丝网印刷机的PLC接线图 13
3.7 丝网印刷机的触摸屏设计 14
4 丝网印刷机控制系统的软件设计 15
4.1 丝网印刷机的控制流程 15
4.2 丝网印刷机程序设计 17
5 丝网印刷机仿真调试 24
结论 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29
1 绪论
1.1 丝网印刷及丝网印刷机