
 2022-01-30 22:12:29


摘 要

16012624 汪小丁

指导老师 李周






Auxiliary power loss is a significant loss in the process of power generation, in order to properly increase plant efficiency, reduce the loss of the auxiliary power current frequency conversion velocity modulation technology as a new technology now get extensive use in power plants.
Auxiliary engine because of the frequency control of motor speed, has improved the work efficiency and avoid the direct start making motor blocked or considerable damage to power grid, the impact of the current protection power equipment, prolong its service life.But the current of frequency converter control system are in normal operation the premise to design, once the head end input voltage fluctuation, it will inevitably affect the auxiliary engine output power, seriously when even lead to auxiliary machine downtime to take off the net.To investigate the low voltage of the power plant auxiliary crossing ability, in this paper, under the base frequency control device, in guarantee auxiliary engine not to take off the off-line study all kinds of auxiliary engine running status and its efficiency.
Paper first decomposition modeling study for all parts of the whole power system, including the inverter model, the auxiliary power system model, all kinds of auxiliary engine model, the generator model, in order to under the criteria of simulation is most similar to simulate practical application situation, through the infinity system to the building of the generator terminal network, and then through the auxiliary power system for auxiliary power of each voltage grade and short circuit is set for the infinite power source model, analysis under different voltage grade single phase short circuit fault occurs on the influence of auxiliary engine performance.

Keywords: frequency control of motor speed technology, typical auxiliary power system, auxiliary machinery

目 录

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 交流调速系统的基本理论 3

1.3 主要工作 4

第二章 典型厂用系统变频调速系统及其引起的低电压穿越问题的机理 5

2.1变频器的分类 5

2.2 高压变频器拓扑结构 5

2.2.1 高压变频器概况 5

2.2.2 高压变频器拓扑结构 6

2.3高压变频器控制策略研究 7

2.3.1 控制策略原理 7

2.3.2 SPWM控制策略 8

2.3.3 SVPWM控制策略 10

2.4 厂用变频器引起低电压穿越问题机理 14

第三章 典型发电厂厂用电系统研究 15

3.1发电厂厂用电的接线 15

3.2 典型辅机分类聚合方法研究 16

3.2.1 典型辅机分类与发展 16

3.2.2 典型辅机的驱动 17

3.2.3典型辅机聚合研究 20

3.3 适用于典型厂用系统的辅机 22

第四章 电厂辅机变频调速系统建模及低电压穿越仿真 24

4.1单个辅机变频调速系统PSCAD建模 24

4.2典型厂用系统电磁暂态建模 25

4.3典型厂用系统仿真实验 28

4.4针对低电压穿越问题的研究 31

第五章 总结与展望 33

致谢 35

参考文献 36

绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义




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