摘 要
For the difference between the distribution network system and the substation, in the equipment and the accident treatment and so on, the distribution network system is more complicated than the automation of the substation. In order to realize the automation of distribution network, the biggest problem is to realize the plug and play of the automation device. Totally, the physical model of the automation device is processed by a recognized rule. IEC 61850 provides a standard communication regular, it rules the standardization of the equipment and the standardization of the substation automation process. In this paper, in order to realize the feeder automation, the physical equipment is divided into three parts including server,logical device, logical node. In order to realize the communication between intelligent device and master station, it is necessary to build a standard information exchange model. Information exchange model is a way of passing data, besides, a communication protocol is required to realize the data exchanging. In this paper, a improved communication mode is proposed.
Topology model is becoming more and more important in the automation of distribution network. In this paper, the establishment of the topology model is mainly divided into the main station topology model and distributed topology model.The main application of the master station topology model is in the case of manual control and computational analysis, and the distributed control is mainly to solve the problem of the master station control in the process of fault treatment. A detailed description of the model of each topology is mentioned in this paper.
Key Words:IEC61850;information model;communication model;distribution network automation;topology model
目 录
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 论文研究背景及意义 5
1.2 IEC61850体系简介 6
1.2.1 IEC61850特点 6
1.2.2 IEC61850建模原则 7
1.2.3 IEC61850标准的优点 7
1.3论文的主要工作和创新点 7
1.3.1 论文的主要工作 7
1.3.2论文的主要创新点 7
第二章 智能终端设备的信息模型 9
2.1 现有馈线智能终端信息简介 9
2.2 馈线终端FTU信息模型的建立 9
2.2.1测控模块 10
2.2.2保护检测模块 10
2.2.3状态模块 10
2.3 小电流接地故障检测 11
2.3.1小电流接地故障 11
2.3.2选线逻辑节点的拓展 12
2.3.3馈线故障逻辑节点的扩展 13
2.4 小结 13
第三章 智能终端设备的通信以及即插即用的实现 15
3.1信息交换模型概述 15
3.2 IEC61850中的信息交换模型 15
3.3发现注册模型 16
3.4 映射服务模型概述 16
3.5 一般映射服务 17
3.5.1 IEC 60870-5-104映射 17
3.5.2 MMS(制造业报文规范) 17
3.5.3 Web Services 17
3.5.4 GOOSE(面向对象的变电站事件) 18
3.6 104 Web Service 18
3.7 即插即用功能的概述 18
3.8 ICD文件简介 18
3.9 智能终端设备的接入过程 19
3.10 小结 19
第四章 拓扑模型的建立 21
4.1主站拓扑模型的建立 21
4.1.1静态全局拓扑模型 21
4.1.2动态局部拓扑模型 23
4.2 分布式拓扑模型的建立 25
4.2.1单端供电故障切除 25
4.2.2单端供电分布式动态拓扑模型的建立 26
4.2.3 简单情况下的双端供电故障隔离以及恢复 26
4.2.4 双端供电的拓扑模型建立 28
4.3新增或者删除设备 29
4.4 小结 29
第五章 结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
第一章 绪论
1.1 论文研究背景及意义