
 2022-05-31 22:01:27


摘 要






At present, most wood connections are made with adhesive, but a large number of harmful substances contained in adhesive will pollute the environment and threaten human health. Therefore, we need to develop new green technology to connect wood. It is two decades since wood welding, a new technology, was proposed in 1997. Now, the strength of most of the wood welding has reached the requirement of bonding strength, and the strength of some can exceed the bonding strength. But presently, most researchers at home and abroad only conduct experiments to analyze parameters affecting the welding performance. There is no in-depth study on the mechanical properties of wood welded joints. In addition, the numerical simulation of wood welding only focuses on physical heat transfer model simulation, and the numerical simulation of welding layer is not carried out. The aim of this paper is to carry out the numerical simulation of three kinds of moso bamboo welded joints.

In the tensile shear strength test of moso bamboo welded joints, the cohesive failure occurred in the welding layer. The author analyzes the theoretical basis of the cohesive zone model, and first proposes that wood welding layer can be simulated by using the cohesive zone model. Moso bamboo is a kind of fiber reinforced functional gradient composite material, so the author uses the layering method to model moso bamboo.

Through the numerical simulation of three kinds of moso bamboo welded joints, inner-outer, outer-outer and inner-inner welded joints, the difference between the simulated tensile shear strength and experimental value is very small. It can be considered that it is feasible to simulate the welding layer by the cohesive zone model, and the finite element simulation of the welded joint is also accurate. Taking the moso bamboo outer-outer welded joint as an example, the failure process of the welding layer is observed. In addition, the influence of parameters of the cohesive zone model on numerical simulation is also carried out.

KEY WORDS: wood welding, numerical simulation, shear strength, cohesive zone model


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 木材焊接技术研究进展 1

1.2.1 平面摩擦焊接研究现状 2

1.2.2 木榫旋转摩擦焊接研究现状 2

1.2.3 木材焊接数值模拟研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容 4

第二章 木材焊接技术基础 5

2.1 木材焊接技术原理 5

2.2 毛竹焊接实验 6

2.3 拉伸剪切强度测试 7

2.4 本章小结 8

第三章 毛竹层数值模拟研究 9

3.1 毛竹结构特性 9

3.2 毛竹有限元分析 9

3.2.1 纤维法有限元模拟 9

3.2.2 分层法有限元模拟 10

3.3 本章小结 11

第四章 焊接层数值模拟研究 13

4.1 毛竹焊接层分析 13

4.2 内聚力模型理论 13

4.3 内聚力单元建模方法 15

4.4 本章小结 16

第五章 毛竹焊接接头数值模拟研究 17

5.1 毛竹焊接接头有限元建模过程 17

5.2 讨论分析 19

5.2.1 竹青面焊接接头结果分析 19

5.2.2 其他结果分析 23

5.3 内聚力参数对数值模拟的影响 24

5.4 本章小结 25

第六章 总结与展望 26

6.1 总结 26

6.2 展望 26

致 谢 27

参考文献 28






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