摘 要
The civil engineering industry has been developing at a fast pace, which brings up high-rise buildings, infrastructures, dams, nuclear power plant and underground buildings after the People’s Republic of China was founded. Those huge buildings are becoming older after decades of using, which need maintenance and reinforcement. China’s civil engineering industry has stepped from ‘large-scale construction period’ to maintenance period. The technology of using adhesives to implant reinforcement bar into structure, steel bonded reinforcement, technology of carbon fiber reinforcement have been applied to maintenance and reinforcement techniques of constructions. The traditional anchorage reinforcement mostly use organic materials, but organic materials have some defects such as long setting time, poor heat resistance, poor durability, low elastic modulus. In order to solve defects of organic adhesives, a new kind of rapid solidification inorganic adhesive anchorage has been designed. Granulated blast-furnace slag is used as a main raw material of alkali-activated rapid solidification inorganic adhesive anchorage, which also uses sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide as alkali-activator. Through many sets of ratio tests, an applicable mixing proportion that meets the requirement of compressive strength and setting time of inorganic cementitious materials is determined. Through the anchorage drawing experiment under the appropriate conditions, we contrast the ultimate drawing bearing capacity under different conditions and analyze the influence of various factors. The experiment results show that the alkali-activated rapid solidification inorganic adhesive anchorage has many advantages such as , high early strength, good mobility, appropriate setting time and low cost.
KEY WORDS: Anchorage reinforcement technology, Rapid Solidification, Compressive strength , Ultimate drawing bearing capacity.
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3植筋锚固材料的发展趋势 1
1.3.1 植筋锚固材料由有机类向无机类转变 1
1.3.2 碱胶凝材料的发展过程及特点 2
1.4本文研究内容 3
第二章 试验材料 4
2.1试验材料 4
2.1.1矿渣 4
2.1.2 硅酸钠 5
2.1.3 氢氧化钠 5
2.2本章小结 6
第三章 无机植筋胶性能试验 7
3.1前期探索试验 7
3.1.1 碱激发无机植筋胶配比试验 7
3.1.2 碱激发无机植筋胶凝结时间试验 7
3.2强度试验 8
3.2.1 抗压强度试验 8
3.2.2 抗折强度试验 9
3.3流动性试验 10
3.4 无机碱激发植筋胶锚固性能试验 11
3.4.1 锚固深度影响试验 12
3.4.2 混凝土强度等级影响试验 12
3.4.3 钢筋种类影响试验 12
3.4.4 植筋胶种类影响试验 12
3.4.5 养护时间影响试验 12
3.5 本章小结 13
第四章 试验结果与分析 14
4.1 凝结时间及流动性 14
4.2强度试验 15
4.2.1抗压强度试验 15
4.2.2抗折强度试验 17
4.3 拉拔试验 21
4.3.1锚固深度影响试验 21
4.3.2混凝土强度等级影响试验 22
4.3.3钢筋种类影响试验 23
4.3.4植筋胶种类影响试验 23
4.3.5养护时间影响试验 24
4.4 试验中遇到的问题及讨论 25
4.5 本章小结 26
第五章 全文总结 28
参考文献 30
第一章 绪论
改革开放以来,中国的综合国力有了很大的提高。随着经济的快速发展,基础设施建设发展迅速。然而,由于施工周期的限制和人为因素等原因,许多建筑存在不少隐患。自二十世纪50年代以来,早期建成的许多建筑都进入了“中老年”。到目前为止,这些建筑物大都已经使用超过了 50 年,已经达到甚至超过其设计使用年限。然而,这些建筑设施至今仍然在我国的发展过程中发挥着显著的作用。同时,我国正处于社会主义初级阶段,离发达国家的水平还有一段距离,如果将这些建筑设施拆除重建,对国家来说将是财产上很大的损失。