
 2022-06-01 21:57:47


摘 要






Thin walled stiffened shell structures are widely used in the structural design of modern rockets because of their good specific strength and specific stiffness.The shell of a rocket is mainly subjected to axial compression at the launching stage, and the instability failure is often preceded by the strength failure under axial compression, so the critical bearing capacity analysis of the structure becomes a prominent problem in the structure design.

At present, there are three methods for studying the post buckling behavior of structures, including arc length method, implicit dynamics method and explicit dynamics method.The arc length method requires a small step size to simulate the instability path, which will affect the computation efficiency.The implicit dynamics method requires that the global stiffness matrix can not be singular.Explicit dynamics method does not require inversion and has no convergence problem. Therefore, it has great advantages in the three methods.

The influence of cell size and loading time on the calculation results of smooth cylindrical shells and stiffened cylindrical shells is analyzed and compared by explicit dynamics method.The calculation results of the smooth cylindrical shell have little dependence on the size of the unit and the loading time. The calculated results of the stiffened cylindrical shell have little dependence on the loading time, but the element size and loading time will have a great influence on the calculation time.Finally, the thickness of the bar section and the thickness of the skin on the critical load are taken into consideration. The thickness of the skin is 1mm, 3mm, 5mm, and the ratio of height to width is 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 respectively. It is concluded that the structure has a better bearing capacity between the height and width ratio of the rib section and 7-11, while the critical bearing capacity of the structure with the increase of skin thickness has been significantly improved.

Key words: Smooth cylindrical thin shell, stiffened cylindrical shell, post-buckling


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 工程研究背景 1

1.2 薄壁壳体结构稳定性理论的发展 1

1.3 薄壁壳体结构失稳有限元发展 2

1.4 文章研究内容概述 4

第二章 后屈曲理论分析方法介绍 5

2.1 弧长法 5

2.2 隐式动力学 6

2.3 显式动力学 7

2.4 小结 8

第三章 光滑圆柱壳轴压承载力研究 10

3.1 一致模态缺陷法 10

3.2 非线性显式动力学法 13

3.3 小结 14

第四章 正交加筋圆柱壳屈曲分析 15

4.1 加筋格栅的类型及优点 15

4.2 格栅加筋结构建模 16

4.3 单元尺寸和加载时间的影响 16

4.3.1 单元尺寸改变对结果的影响 17

4.3.2 加载时间改变对结果的影响 17

4.4 正交加筋圆柱壳结构后屈曲分析 18

4.5 章节小结 27

第五章 总结与展望 28

5.1 研究内容总结 28

5.2 工作展望 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30








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