
 2022-06-07 21:12:08


摘 要






In this paper, the influence of the size parameters of honeycomb sandwich panels on sound insulation ability is studied. The sensitivity of different size parameters to the sound insulation ability of honeycomb sandwich panels is given. The suggestion of size parameter modification for improving the sound insulation ability of honeycomb sandwich panels under equal mass conditions is proposed, which provides some reference for the optimization of noise reduction in engineering practice.

In this paper, the acoustic performance of aluminum honeycomb sandwich panels is analyzed by acoustic finite element method. The acoustic solid coupling analysis model of aluminum honeycomb sandwich panel was established under the excitation of reverberation sound source. The sound insulation performance of the honeycomb plate under the noise excitation was evaluated. It lays a good foundation for further study of the influence of geometric parameters of honeycomb sandwich panels on sound transmission performance. The effect of the honeycomb sound field on the sound loss of the honeycomb plate is also considered, the calculation results show that the acoustic transmission loss of the honeycomb plate is very small. The reason may be that the stiffness of the aluminum honeycomb plate is larger and the internal sound field has little influence on the structural stiffness, so it can not consider the influence of the sound field in the honeycomb sandwich structure when studying the influence of the size parameters of the honeycomb sandwich structure on the sound insulation.

After obtaining the sound loss curve of the honeycomb plate, the sensitivity of the sound loss of the honeycomb panels is calculated by the finite difference method by the finite difference method. The results show that the increase of the cell wall thickness, the height of the honeycomb core and the thickness of the upper and lower panels can enhance the sound insulation ability of the honeycomb plate. The increase of wall length will reduce the sound insulation ability of honeycomb panels. It is also found that honeycomb sandwich wall thickness has the greatest impact on the acoustic performance of the structure, and its acoustic sensitivity is much higher than other size parameters. According to the size of the sensitivity, the size parameters of the honeycomb plate are changed with the constant mass as constraints, and the acoustic finite element analysis is carried out to change the size parameters of the honeycomb plate. The results show that, under the premise of meeting the requirements of the structure, it keeps the quality of the honeycomb core unchanged and increases the wall thickness of the honeycomb core, and can make the structure sound insulated more; When other size parameters are constant, increasing the thickness of honeycomb walls and reducing the thickness of the upper and lower panels will reduce the sound insulation ability.

Key words: Honeycomb sandwich plates; Acoustic-structural coupling; Acoustic finite element method; Sound transmission loss.


摘要 I

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 结构声-耦合理论分析 4

2.1 引言 4

2.2 声学有限元理论 4

2.2.1 声学基本方程 4

2.2.2 非耦合声学有限元 5

2.2.3 耦合声学有限元 6

2.2.4 声学有限元仿真发展历程 7

2.3 混响场理论 8

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 蜂窝夹芯板传声损失计算 10

3.1 引言 10

3.2 蜂窝夹芯结构建模 10

3.2.1 蜂窝夹芯结构主要参数 10

3.2.2 蜂窝夹芯板的有限元建模 11

3.3 蜂窝夹芯结构模态分析 12

3.4 蜂窝夹芯结构传声损失仿真计算 13

3.4.1 仿真原理 13

3.4.2 建立模型 14

3.4.3 结果分析 16

3.4.4 内声场对传声损失的影响 19

3.5 本章小结 21

第四章 尺寸参数对蜂窝板传声损失的影响 22

4.1 引言 22

4.2 灵敏度分析方法 22

4.3 蜂窝夹芯板尺寸参数对传声损失的灵敏度分析 22

4.4 参数分析 25

4.4.1 蜂窝壁厚度、蜂窝壁长度与蜂窝芯高度 25

4.4.2 蜂窝壁厚度与上下面板厚度 26

4.5 本章小结 27

第五章 结论与展望 28

5.1 结论 28

5.2 展望 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30








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