
 2022-02-10 20:33:52


摘 要






The research on the multi-component materials’ internal stress analysis has many different methods dealing with the different kinds of components. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in civil engineering constructions. Meanwhile, concrete is also a typical multi-component material. The mechanical and physical properties of concrete are much more complex than that of steel bar, which are mostly determined by the ratio of coarse aggregates and mortar.

Up to present, there are more and more researches on the microstructure of concrete to learn it’s mechanical properties. In order to get a more reasonable FEM model, the majority of the microstructures take the idea that the concrete is a multi-component material composed of coarse aggregates and mortar. Furthermore, the microscopic models focus on the arrangement of the aggregates during the modeling process. In this paper, the stress of concrete which is considered consisting of aggregates and the mortar is simulated under uniaxial compression. The experiment gets the stress distribution by 3D digital image correlation method comparing with the simulation results.

The comparison results show that the internal stress of aggregates is lower than that of mortar under uniaxial compression. furthermore, there exists a stress concentration at the junction of mortar and aggregates. The results of numerical simulation and consistent totality except a certain error between aggregates and mortar.

Keywords: Multi-component; concrete; coarse aggregates; stress analysis; FEM;


摘要 2

目录 6

第一章 绪论 8

1.1 背景和研究目的 8

1.2 多组分材料的研究现状 8

1.3 混凝土材料的研究现状 9

1.4 研究内容 10

第二章 多组分混凝土材料建模与分析 11

2.1 引言 11

2.2 主要分析模型 11

2.2.1 宏观模型 11

2.1.2 微观模型 11

2.3 混凝土配合比的确定 12

2.4 规则排布骨料 13

2.4.1 正方形骨料 13

2.4.2 圆形骨料 17

2.5 随机排布骨料 18

2.5.1 面内随机排布 18

2.5.2 体内随机排布 19

2.6 小结 20

第三章 多组分混凝土静力试验 22

3.1 引言 22

3.2 试验目的 22

3.3 试验方法 22

3.3.1 混凝土试块的制作 22

3.3.2 单轴压缩试验 22

3.3.3 三维数字图像相关法 23

3.4 试验设备 24

3.4.1 液压式万能试验机 24

3.4.2 IDS相机 25

3.5 规则排布骨料混凝土块静力试验 26

3.5.1 混凝土块制作 26

2.5.2 单轴压缩试验 26

3.6 规则排布混凝土块静力试验分析 27

3.6.1 裂纹分析 27

3.6.2 应力分析 29

3.7 试验误差分析 34

3.8 小结 34

第四章 总结 36

第五章 致谢 38

参考文献 39

第一章 绪论

1.1 背景和研究目的



1.2 多组分材料的研究现状




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