
 2022-08-25 12:55:10


摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 富氧燃烧特性研究现状 1

1.3 本文的研究内容 2

第二章 实验仪器介绍 4

2.1 质谱仪原理介绍 4

2.2 热重分析仪与质谱联用法原理 5

2.3 流态化反应动力学分析仪 6

2.3.1 流态化反应动力学仪器原理 6

2.3.2 实验步骤 8

2.3.3 实验中的重点难点 9

2.3.4 实验中出现的问题 10

第三章 TG-MS实验结果分析 11

3.1 实验条件 11

3.2 TG曲线分析 11

3.3 同种气体在不同氧气浓度下的生成规律 12

3.4 实验分析总结 17

第四章 流态化燃烧反应实验结果分析 18

4.1 燃烧产物生成规律 18

4.1.1 以反应温度900℃,O2流量占比20%时为例 18

4.1.2 O2浓度对气体产物生成的影响规律 20

4.1.3 温度对气体产物生成的影响规律 25

4.2 实验分析总结 29

4.3 与热重实验的比较 30

第五章 动力学分析 31

5.1 计算方法 31

5.1.1 基本动力学方程 31

5.1.2 等温动力学方程 31

5.2 煤粉富氧燃烧的动力学分析 32

5.2.1 NH3的分析计算 32

5.2.2 NO的分析计算 33

5.2.3 NO2的分析计算 35

5.3 对计算结果的分析 36

第六章 工作总结 37

参考文献 38

致 谢 40

摘 要






China is a big coal country, in terms of reserves or technical grasp of the degree of view, coal in the energy structure of the most important energy status is difficult to shake in the short term. But the coal combustion has high pollution characteristics, so the realization of low-emission coal combustion is to promote China's economic supply side of the reform one of the important links. Carbon capture, utilization and storage technology is the main way to achieve low carbon emissions in coal. In order to capture and collect CO2 generated from coal combustion in large power plants, oxygen-rich combustion is a new source of clean combustion technology that is causing domestic and foreign researchers More and more attention [1]. In this paper, the background of this paper is introduced from the principle of oxygen enrichment of coal. Then, a comprehensive and brief introduction is made from the principle, shape, function and operation process of the experimental instrument. Firstly, the experimental results of coal-fired oxygen-enriched combustion are analyzed and calculated, and the characteristics and kinetics of gaseous pollutants in coal-fired oxygen-rich combustion are obtained.

The main purpose of this study is to obtain the oxygenation (different oxygen concentration) under the atmosphere of coal combustion reaction kinetics and mechanism, as well as the formation and transformation of gaseous pollutants.

The main research methods are to study the gas pollutants generated by the typical coal anthracite and bituminous coal under oxygen-enriched combustion conditions on the thermogravimetric-mass spectrometer and the fluidization reaction kinetics analyzer-mass spectrometer The charcoal burning properties of coal were obtained and a kinetic model was established.

KEY WORDS: Oxygen-enriched combustion, TGA, Fluidized bed, Mass spectrometry, dynamics

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言



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