
 2022-08-27 08:55:20


摘 要




关键词:涡流传感器 数学模型 MATLAB 激励频率 阻抗与位移关系

Analysis and Experimental Study on Impedance of Eddy Current Vibration Sensor

03013118 Wang Shen

Supervised by Tian Xinqi


The eddy current sensor is a non-contact measuring device based on the principle of electromagnetic mutual inductance and eddy current effect. Eddy current sensor on the accuracy of the requirements are very high, often one tenth of a millimeter of the order of magnitude, the most important part of which is directly measured part of the measurement of the accuracy of the coil, so the eddy current vibration sensor probe part of the impedance analysis And experimental research has important theoretical significance.

In this paper, the relationship between impedance and displacement of eddy current vibration sensor is studied by combining theoretical calculation with actual measurement. Secondly, the basic working principle is introduced, and then the equivalent circuit of the sensor is analyzed theoretically. Thirdly, the mathematical model is established and the theoretical formula is deduced, and the theoretical formula of the eddy current sensor is presented. And the equivalent resistance and equivalent impedance of the excitation coil. Fourthly, the impedance calculation program is compiled by MATLAB, and the optimal range and excitation frequency are obtained by changing the range, measuring range and working frequency. Five, build the experimental platform, the use of LCR tester external diameter of 6.5mm (actual diameter of 5.8mm), the diameter of 3.5mm probe coil in the 0.5MHz to 1.2MHz frequency range of the test measurement, the measured impedance with the displacement Change the relationship data and compare it with the theoretical value.

The theoretical results are compared with the experimental results, and the following conclusions are drawn: 1, the coil impedance measurement range increases with the increase of the excitation frequency. 2, the probe coil of the best excitation frequency of 1.0MHz, the best measurement range of 0.5mm-2.5mm. This is consistent with the measured results, indicating that the mathematical model can be approximated on behalf of the experimental test results。

Key words: Eddy current sensor; Mathematical model; MATLAB; Excitation frequency; Impedance and displacement relation

目 录

第一章 绪论 6

1.1选题背景 6

1.2电涡流传感器技术的发展及现状 6

1.3 电涡流传感器的特点及发展趋势 8

1.3.1 电涡流传感器的特点 8

1.3.2 电涡流传感器的未来发展趋势 9

1.4 论文研究内容 9

1.5 论文结构安排 9

第二章 电涡流传感器基本原理 10

2.1 电涡流传感器工作原理 10

2.1.1 电涡流传感器结构组成 10

2.1.2 电涡流传感器测量原理 10

2.2 等效电路分析 11

2.3 电涡流传感器在发电厂中的应用 12

2.4 本章小结 14

第三章 电涡流传感器数学模型的建立 15

3.1 线圈模型的建立 15

3.1.1 线圈交流电阻 15

3.1.2 线圈自感系数 17

3.2 涡流计算环模型的建立 17

3.2.1被测导体中感生电涡流分布及均匀化处理 17

3.2.2 涡流计算环结构与参数 19

3.3 线圈与涡流计算环之间互感模型的建立 21

3.4 本章小结 23

第四章 理论计算与实验测试 24

4.1 利用 MATLAB 编写计算程序并计算 24

4.1.1 计算流程图 24

4.1.2 计算结果 25

4.2 实验测试 36

4.3 理论与实验结果对比 37

第五章 结论、误差分析与总结展望 41

5.1误差分析与结论 41

5.1.1 线性误差 41

5.1.2 误差分析 41

5.1.3 结论 42

5.2 总结与展望 43

致 谢 45

参考文献 46

附件 48

第一章 绪论



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