
 2022-08-27 08:57:02


摘 要





Calculation and Analysis of Economic indicators of Heating System in Thermal Power Plant

03013426 Dai Ling

Supervised by Wang Mingchun


These years, the demand for perfect steam parameter monitoring systems of thermal power plant is getting urgent. At present, domestic power plants are in need of kind of program which can monitor the thermal economic indicators timely. Therefore, the staff can refer to the statistics given by the program to ensure the plant is working in the best condition.

In this paper, N300/16.65/537/537 is the object of study. This paper focuses on the steam and structure parameters of this thermal unit and introduce a program which can perform thermal calculation, output the result in tabular form and analyze the economic indicators. First, in this paper, matrix method and conventional thermal equilibrium parallel method are applied to simplify the complex computational process. Then through programming, the calculation is converted into five independent subclasses of a program, to achieve the query of steam parameters, extraction parameters at all levels, the operation of thermal economic indicators and the final output and analysis of the results.

This paper applies the energy loss analysis method, and discusses the influence of the changes of economic indicators, especially the efficiency of boiler and steam turbine on the coal consumption. Finally, this paper will show the trend of changes of power consumption rate, coal consumption rate and power supply efficiency in form of image.

Key words: heating systems; economic indicators; thermal matrix method; python; energy loss analysis method


目录 3

第一章 绪论 6

§ 1.1 课题的背景及意义 6

§ 1.2 国内外发展现状 6

§ 1.3 本文的主要内容 7

第二章 热力系统分析方法,经济性评价及指标 7

§2.1 引言 7

§2.2 热力系统组成 7

§2.2.1 原则性热力系统 7

§2.2.2 全面性热力系统 8

§2.3 热力系统常用分析方法 8

§2.3.1 常规热平衡法 8

§2.3.2 循环函数法 8

§2.3.1 等效热降法 9

§2.3.1 热矩阵法 9

§2.4 热经济性评价体系及指标 9

§2.4.1 热量法及可用能法 9

§2.4.2 热经济指标及其表达公式 10

第三章 基于热平衡矩阵法计算模型 11

§3.1引言 11

§3.2基于引进型300MW亚临界热力系统计算模型建立 12

§3.2.1 加热器参数优化讨论 12

§3.2.2 主蒸汽矩阵模型建立 14

§3.2.3 加热器散热修正 15

§3.2.4 辅助汽水矩阵模型 16

§3.3 本章小结 18

第四章 基于300MW热力系统热经济性指标运算python软件开发 18

§4.1引言 18

§4.2基于IAPWS-IF97公式python软件程序设计 19

§4.2.1 IAPWS-IF97通用计算模型 19

§4.2.2 程序内容与结构开发 20

§4.2.3 程序结果输出 23

§4.3 本章小结 24

第五章 基于300MW热力系统热力计算程序的热经济指标

分析 25

§5.1引言 25

§5.2能损分析法 25

§5.3 满载下各参数对煤耗影响趋势讨论 26

§5.3.1厂用电率,锅炉效率,绝对电效率以及发电效率对煤耗的影响 26

§5.3.2数据分析及讨论 27

§5.4不同载荷下全厂供电效率,热耗率与煤耗率变化趋势分析 28

§5.4.1变负荷状态下全厂供电经济指标变化趋势 28

§5.3.2趋势分析及讨论 30

§5.5本章小结 30

第六章 结论及展望 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论




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