
 2022-08-30 09:45:21


摘 要


本文采用影响系数法和谐分量影响系数法进行转子动平衡。影响系数法通过在多转速下分别对转子进行试加重,求出加重对振动的影响系数,列出方程组后使用最小二乘法解矛盾方程,在不定解中找到最小解,得出平衡振动需要的加重。谐分量影响系数法是与振型平衡法相结合的影响系数法,将转子振动进行对称分解和反对称分解,对称分量的振动认为是一阶不平衡量引起的,反对称分量认为是二阶不平衡量引起的。根据对称和反对称分量试加配重,计算出影响系数,确定最后的配重。在这两种方法的基础上,分别编写了两个程序,输入初始振动,试加重和加重后的振动,即可得出所需加重。本文是在转子动力学的基础上,针对转子现场高速动平衡,进行研究,采用VC 进行编程,所得出的成果具有一定的实用意义,可用于实际生产中。



With the rapid development of China's power industry, more and more large-capacity turbo-generator units put into operation. Turbine generator as a large rotating machinery, vibration is an unavoidable problem, vibration on the safe operation of the unit has a great impact. Vibration generated a lot of vibration, rotor imbalance is the most important factor. With the increase in the capacity of the generator unit, the rotor length has obviously increased and the rotor stiffness is obviously reduced. The influence of the deflection of the rotor of the turbo-generator unit, which is still running, is not negligible and belongs to the flexible rotor. Therefore, the dynamic balance method of the flexible rotor is studied emphatically.

In this paper, the influence coefficient method is used to balance the rotor dynamic balance coefficient method. The influence coefficient method is used to increase the influence coefficient of vibration on the rotor, and then the least squares method is used to solve the contradictory equation. The minimum solution is found in the uncertain solution, and the equilibrium vibration is obtained. The increase. The harmonic component influence coefficient method is the influence coefficient method combined with the vibration balance method, the rotor vibration is symmetrical and antisymmetric decomposition. The vibration of the symmetrical component is regarded as the first order unbalance, and the anti-symmetric component is considered as the second order unbalance caused. According to the symmetry and anti-symmetric component test plus weight, calculate the impact coefficient, determine the final weight. On the basis of these two methods, two programs were prepared, and the initial vibration was input, and the vibration after the test was increased and the vibration was increased. Based on the rotor dynamics, this paper studies the high speed dynamic balance of the rotor, and uses VC to program. The result is of practical significance and can be used in the actual production.

Key words: flexible rotor; dynamic balance; influence coefficient; harmonic component;

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2研究现状和发展趋势 1

1.2.1 刚性转子动平衡理论 2

1.2.2 柔性转子动平衡理论 2

1.3本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 转子动平衡理论 4

2.1转子振动基本概念 4

2.2转子不平衡的现象 5

2.3刚性转子动平衡 6

2.4柔性转子动平衡 7

2.4.1 模态平衡法 8

2.4.2 影响系数法 10

2.4.3 谐分量影响系数法 11

第三章 动平衡程序设计 12

3.1影响系数法程序设计 12

3.2谐分量影响系数法程序设计 17

第四章 实验验证与分析 19

4.1实验仪器介绍 19

4.2实验过程与结果 22

4.3实验分析与讨论 28

参考文献 30

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论




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