
 2022-02-02 21:54:25


摘 要






关键词:汽轮机性能, 热耗率计算,在线状态监测,软件开发


Saving energy, improving energy efficiency is the implementation of sustainable development policies, a major basic requirements.

Heat Rate Calculation Formula follow the mass conservation equation and energy balance equation, but the on-line monitoring, due to many factors, there is greater uncertainty Turbine Heat Rate Calculation results online. Online Heat Rate by condition, environmental parameters, and other factors influenced the operational level.

odel to build huge amounts of data, it is necessary to continuously measure the online monitoring data. In many cases, due to poor measurement environment, with equipment failure, the measured data is very unstable, volatile. Measurement data collected at the scene of the accuracy will directly affect the accuracy of Heat Rate Calculation of results. However, in actual operation, the measurement process there are many factors, the measurement results can not be continuous and often larger error, calculation and analysis work which makes heat rate difficult. So, broadly applicable, no strict restrictions turbine thermal performance line calculation method is critical and urgent needs, while increasing the rate of heat loss online monitoring accuracy is also very important, the only way to avoid unnecessary calculations error.

Now the plant SIS system is based on commercial real-time database software, and such software has many weaknesses. Open source database Redis memory can provide good conditions for the online analysis of data, so that the development of independent commercial software, on-line analysis system possible. With the use of Internet applications and big data cloud platform to develop open-source database platforms and frameworks to build power plant real-time performance analysis system, compensate for the lack of commercial real-time database, enhance the level of thermal power plant monitoring data and information, enhance operational efficiency.

Therefore, this paper learned turbine thermal test methods and test procedures for online condition given Turbine Performance Calculation Method for online condition. Open source database Redis memory online analytical Turbine Performance provides high performance real-time database system, based on the analysis of algorithms, based on Redis developer Turbine Performance monitoring software online.

Keywords: Steam Turbine, Heat Rate, On-line Monitoring,Software, Development


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 热耗率在线计算方法 1

1.3 火电厂在线监控系统 1

1.4 存在问题和研究内容 2

第二章 热耗率在线计算方法 3

2.1 热耗率计算方法概述 3

2.2 常见的热耗率在线计算方法 4

2.2.1 质能守恒方法 4

2.2.2 神经网络模型法 6

2.2.3 弗留格尔公式法 7

2.3 动态选择法 8

2.3.1 动态选择方法介绍 8

2.3.2 计算实例分析 9

2.4 本章小结 11

第三章 基于商用数据库的火电厂厂级监控系统 12

3.1 火电厂厂级监控系统简介 12

3.2 火电厂厂级监控系统的结构和功能 12

3.2.1 厂级监控信息系统的结构 12

3.2.2 厂级监控信息系统的功能 13

3.3 本章小结 14

第四章 汽轮机热力性能在线监测软件 16

4.1 软件开发简介 16

4.2 基于Python的开发环境 16

4.2.1 Python的特色 16

4.2.2 Python的功能 16

4.3 基于Redis的高速实时数据服务 17

4.3.1 Redis数据类型 17

4.3.2 高速实时数据服务 17

4.4 基于Tornado的Web监视 18

4.4.1 项目架构 18

4.4.2 监视项目 19

4.4.3 监视系统运行 20

4.5 本章小结 21

第五章 结论 22

致谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景和意义



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