
 2022-02-15 21:52:29


摘 要







Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method

in power plant selection

03012203 Qian Wei

Supervised by Professor Chen Shaobing

Abstract:Power plant election is a complicated and important problem , which includes a lots of economic key elements in the society. Considering the development of East China Grid, JiangSu also has many advantages such as the geography and resource condition for sure the more investment in electric power. In order to obtain corresponding optimum selection scientifically , this article introduces a method of fuzzy synthetic evaluation. The selected plant can maximize to meet the requirements of economic benefit, social benefit, and also environmental benefit

Introduce the election condition of the power plant.Analysis of the existing problems in the process of site selection, using more scientific and reasonable method to solve the problems in theory.

Introduce the principle and method of fuzzy synthetic evaluation. It’s about evaluation of problem using theory of fuzzy transform and maximum membership principle.

Choose the best area.Analyze the four different regions’ conditions of grid access, economic source and social environment aspect. Subdivide these main factors and get fuzzy quantification of the sub-factors by the way of expert mark. Deal with these results, work out the fuzzy evaluation compositor, and then get the optimal region.

In this paper, we combine the examples of thermal power plants in recent years, focusing on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in the Power Plant Site.

Key words:power plant election, selection principle, fuzzy synthetic evaluation, comprehensive benefits


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 5

1.1 论文课题的研究背景以及意义 5

1.1.1 电力发展的现状、政策以及改革方向 5

1.1.2 火电厂建设的现状 5

1.1.3 火电厂建设的意义 6

1.2 我国现阶段火电厂建设选址的研究现状 6

1.2.1 我国现阶段电力系统的电力发展现状 6

1.2.2 我国现阶段火电厂建设选址的现状 6

1.3 论文课题的研究内容 7

第二章 模糊综合评判的研究 8

2.1 模糊综合评判 8

2.1.1 模糊综合评判的研究现状 8

2.1.2 模糊综合评判的基本原理 8

2.1.3 模糊综合评判的基本步骤 9

第三章 火电厂建设选址的基本理论 10

3.1 火电厂建设选址的基本原则 10

3.1.1 火电厂建设选址的重要性 10

3.1.2 火电厂建设选址的内容 10

3.1.3 火电厂建设选址的原则 10

第四章 火电厂建设选址综合评价指标体系的建立 12

4.1 评价指标选取的基本原理 12

4.1.1 建立评价指标体系的原则 12

4.1.2 建立评价指标体系的方法 12

4.2 评价指标体系的作用 13

第五章 应用层次分析法确定指标权重 14

5.1权重的相关知识 14

5.1.1 权重的概念 14

5.1.2 确定权重的原则 14

5.2 层次分析法的基本原理 14

5.3 确定火电厂建设选址评价指标体系权重 15

5.4 确定火电厂建设选址评价指标的构建 15

第六章 应用模糊综合分析评判在江苏省火电厂选址进行分析 16

6.1 江苏省的现状 16

6.1.1 江苏省电力市场的需求现状分析 16

6.1.2 江苏省电力建设的规划分析 17

6.2 所选案例的基本情况、主要指标分析 18

6.2.1 所选案列的基本情况 18

6.2.2 所选案列的主要指标及其分析 22

6.2.3 专家组投票及相应因素权重 23

6.2.4 实际分析与计算 23

6.3 应用多层次模糊综合评价进行厂址方案优选后的案例证明 32

6.3.1 淮安实联化工自备热电厂项目 32

6.3.2 扬州华电仪征燃机热电联产3*200MW级机组工程 33

6.3.3 昆山经济开发区4×400MW级燃气—蒸汽联合循环供热机组 33

6.3.4 华电如皋电厂(一期)项目(2×1200MW) 34

第七章 结束语 36

致谢 36

参考文献 36


第一章 导论

1.1 论文课题的研究背景以及意义

1.1.1 电力发展的现状、政策以及改革方向



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