
 2022-05-19 22:02:27


摘 要





With the stock investment occupying an increasingly high position in people's daily life, the appropriate stock investment strategy is particularly important. However, due to the stochastic volatility of the stock market and many factors affecting the stock price, different trading strategies are needed in different time and conditions. In theory, we usually use the idea of optimal stopping theory to solve the problem of optimal selling time of stocks. From the perspective of mathematical finance, we usually establish the corresponding price model to study the changing law of stock prices, so as to obtain the optimal trading strategy.

Under the guidance of the optimal stopping theory, this paper establishes a mathematical model to get the optimal selling time of stock. The model describing stock price has been developing and iterating all the time. In this paper, a geometric Brownian motion model with state transition is used. Two parameters of the geometric Brownian motion model are used to represent the stock return and volatility respectively. Next, the expression of the stock return function is obtained by solving the parameters, and the appropriate trading strategy is chosen to maximize the return. This paper chooses Baidu (BIDU) stock as a numerical example, calculates the theoretical best selling time in 2017 under different circumstances through its closing price data in 2016, and validates the validity with the real value.

Key Words: Optimal Stopping Theory, Geometric Brownian Motion Model, Stock Trading Strategy

目 录

摘 要


  1. 绪论1
    1. 研究背景1
    2. 研究意义1
    3. 文献综述2
    4. 本文概述3
  2. 模型的建立及求解4
    1. 参数定义4
      1. 股票收盘价4
      2. 收益率4
      3. 波动率4
      4. 变化速率5
    2. 模型建立5
    3. 最优策略7
    4. 收益函数7
    5. 相关函数9
      1. 预期持有时间9
      2. 盈利概率10
      3. 损失概率 10
  3. 数值示例12
    1. 参数计算12
    2. 相关函数计算13
    3. 模型有效性验证14
  4. 结论16

致 谢17


附 录19

第一章 绪论

§1.1 研究背景




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