
 2022-01-17 23:41:28


目 录

摘要 1

第一章 课题背景与相关理论 3

1.1 课题背景与意义 3

1.2 早期模型 3

1.2.1 期权的含义 3

1.2.2 期权定价模型的发展 3

1.3 研究框架 4

第二章 现代期权定价模型 5

2.1 Black-Scholes模型 5

2.2 二项式定价法 7

2.2.1 单期二项式期权模型 7

2.2.2 n期看涨期权的二项式期权定价公式 9

2.3 Monte-Carlo模拟方法 10

第三章 股票期权的定价方法 12

3.1 股票的期权定价方法 12

3.1.1 权益资本的期权特征 12

3.1.2 期权定价模型 13

3.1.3 模型参数的估计 14

3.2 股票的期权定价实例 14

3.3 与蒙特卡洛模拟的对比 16

第四章 反思与展望 19

参考文献 20



(, China

Abstract: After 2000, the securities and exchange get good development. The resulting option, related investment consumption situation began to get the attention of experts and scholars in our country. Effective and scientific analysis is the efficient and the important way to avoid the risk, and it is the heart of normal operation and long-term development of the financial derivative securities.

The analysis of option pricing is mainly carried out in a large number of derivative securities pricing models, because:

(1) Option pricing is simple and easy.

(2) A number of options contracts can be built into a new portfolio, which can be more easily priced through the pricing of options.

(3) For all kinds of securities, the pricing principle is the one that changes from one to another. Therefore, by studying the pricing of options, it is possible to find the general conclusion of securities pricing.

In this paper, the number of option pricing problem is studied, trying to get some practical mathematical conclusion, and be able to show the dialectical relationship between mathematics and finance: on the one hand, mathematics is a powerful tool of financial research, on the other hand, the financial practice to promote the development of mathematics itself.

The thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter describes the development of option pricing theory, and we will introduce the concept of options, and brief the development of the option pricing model. The second chapter is about the modern option pricing model, in this chapter we will come into contact with three options pricing model, including the Black-Scholes model and the Monte Carlo simulation method and binomial pricing method. Understanding the three option pricing method is the foundation of the follow-up work. The third chapter describes the stock pricing method by option, it is the center of this article content. In this chapter, we will put the Black-Scholes model into the stock pricing method, it is also the innovation of this article. At the same time, with a kind of traditional stock pricing method, by contrast, expounds its feasibility. The fourth chapter is the summary of the thesis, and also the reflection and prospect of the author's work.

Keywords: Stock ; Option pricing ; Portfolio

第一章 课题背景与相关理论

1.1 课题背景与意义


1.2 早期模型

1.2.1 期权的含义




1.2.2 期权定价模型的发展













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