
 2022-05-17 21:30:27





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\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\kaishu{\chaptername}~~~#1~}{}} %设置页眉章节

\fancyhead[l]{\kaishu{~~~东~南~大~学~本~科~毕~业~论~ 文}}







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\begin{center}{\kaishu \LARGE{格子Boltzmann方法在GPU 的实现及加速}}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\kaishu\zihao{4} 摘\ \ \ \ 要}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘\ \ \ \ 要} {\kaishu \ \



然而由于Caputo分数阶导数自身的性质,现有的Caputo 型时间低扩散方程的LB模型运算速度慢,内存占用大,难以应用到高维问题等。

本文首先讨论了已有的Caputo型时间低扩散方程的LB模型,其次讨论了Caputo分数阶导数的快速算法,研究了基于CUDA 的LB并行算法,并基于这两个算法对原模型进行优化改进。


\vskip 1cm \noindent{\kaishu 关键词: \ 格子Boltzmann 方法,\ GPU计算, \

CUDA, \ Caputo分数阶导数}



\begin{center}{\rm Implementation of GPU Based Lattice Boltzmann Method}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\rm\zihao{4} Abstract}




The time sub-diffusion equation in Caputo sense has great significance in physical and is often used to describe the anomalous diffusion. However, similar to the classical PDEs, it is also difficult or even impossible to get the exact solutions. Therefore, the study of their numerical solutions is to solve the key.

Lattice Boltzmann Method (LB) is a mesoscopic numerical method based on molecular motion theory. It has already been successfully applied in fluid flow in porous media and turbulence. Compared with traditional numerical methods, it has a high computational efficiency and a simple boundary processing.

However, due to Caputo fractional derivative itself, the existing LB model of the time sub-diffusion equation in Caputo has great drawbacks, including long computing time, large RAM consumption, being difficult to extend to high-dimensional problems and so on.

In this paper, we will first discuss the existing LB model of the time sub-diffusion equation in Caputo.

Secondly, the fast evaluation of the Caputo fractional derivative is discussed, together with the LB model based on CUDA. After each of that, the improved LB model is given.

At the end of the paper, for 2-D and 3-D problems under different parameter values, we compared the efficiency of the improved LB model on different algorithms. It is found that both two algorithms offer a great improvement on the LB model, and they can be used superimposed.

\vskip 0.8cm \noindent{\rm Key Words:\ Lattice Boltzmann method,\ GPU computing, \

CUDA, \ Caputo derivative}









%东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{0.5cm}{\bf 第一章 \qquad 引言}

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分数阶微分方程的数学和数值分析成为一个深入研究的课题。在文献\cite{FAST3}中,有几个不同的分数阶时间导数的定义,包括 Riemann-Liouville (RL)分数阶导数、Gr\"unwald-Letnikov (GL)分数阶导数和 Caputo分数阶导数。 很容易看出 GL 分数阶导数与 RL 分数阶导数定义类似,两者都需要分数类型的初始值,而且其物理解释并不十分清楚。另一方面,Caputo分数阶导数以整数阶微分方程为初始值,且常量的Caputo 分数阶导数为零,就像人们对整数阶导数的预期一样。因而在本文中,在时间导数方面我们采用Caputo 分数阶导数。



在数值模拟中,可以将Caputo分数阶导数离散化,若基于每个子区间上的分段线性插值而生成的离散化方案,称为L1 近似,还有使用分段高阶多项式插值得到的高阶格式。这些方法要求存储第n步以前的所有信息,



该论文证明了Caputo分数阶导数的快速算法,可以应用到标准有限差分格式来求解分数扩散方程,而且所得到的求解时间低扩散方程的算法既有效又稳定。在本篇论文中,我们应用该Caputo 分数阶导数的快速算法,来优化时间低扩散方程的LB模型,从而提高计算效率。


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