
 2022-04-23 18:16:37


摘 要





In the quantum mechanics we have learned in our undergraduate years, the Schrodinger equations are non-relativistic and cannot satisfy the requirement of degeneration. But in the high energy field, the microscopic particles are extremely fast and even reach the speed of light. The relativistic effect is very obvious.And at high energies, there is the creation and annihilation of particles, and the Schrodinger equation in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics is the conservation of the number of particles.Therefore, we need to use the relativistic quantum field theory to go into the high energy field. So,we study the relativistic correction of the potential energy of a two-particle system at 0 state. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to reduce the bethe-salpeter equation describing two-particle system in three dimensions, so as to obtain the relativistic correction of the corresponding Schrodinger equation potential energy.

Firstly, it is clear that the BS wave function is a matrix form of. Therefore, in this paper, the symmetry of the bound states is used to expand the BS wave function according to the basis, so as to obtain the scalar wave function. Then, the BS equation is reduced from four dimensions to three. In this process we mainly use the instantaneous approximation. The kernel and wave functions in BS equation are reduced to 3d by instantaneous approximation, and the relativistic correction of the potential energy of Schrodinger equation is obtained. The zero order potential energy is known as the coulomb potential, and the first order correction of the potential energy corresponds to the Breit potential, but is not identical.Because, we also will have the potential energy which already carried on the relativity correction and Breit potential to carry on the comparison calculation later, discovered that we obtain the result and Breit potential existence constant coefficient difference.

Key words: Schrodinger equation; BS equation; three-dimensional reduction; instantaneous approximation; Breit potential

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 量子力学与方程 2

1.2.1 光量子假设 2

1.2.2 原子的量子论 2

1.2.3 de Broglie的物质波 2

1.2.4 量子力学的建立 2

1.2.5 方程 3

第二章 量子电动力学 4

2.1 QED的费曼规则 4

2.2 Bethe-Salpeter方程及其三维约化 5

第三章 二粒子体系(0 态)势能的相对论修正 7

3.1 BS方程在0 态下的三维约化 7

3.2 势能的相对论修正 14

3.3 修正后的势能与Breit势比较 17

3.4 结论 18

参考文献 20

致谢 21

  1. 绪论




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