摘 要
1911年Onnes成功将氦气液化,同时也开启了超导的大门。自从超导现象被人们发现以来,就一直是研究的热门。从一开始的零电阻现象到后来Meissner效应的发现,从简单的二流体模型,London方程,到复杂的Pippard理论,GL方程。人们对超导的认识不断增加着。后来BCS理论的诞生让 人们真真明白了超导的本质。然而BCS理论也有许多无法完美解释的现象。传统的超导和磁性并不相容,然而人们逐渐发现了磁性与超导相互作用的化合物如,反铁磁与超导共存的物质如Er,终于在1980年发现了超导和铁磁共存的物质。这一发现也带起了人们对Y-Co系统的好奇心。Y-Co系统的相图极其复杂,在不同温度下以及不同Y-Co配比下会产生多种不同的物质。正是因为相图过于复杂等原因使得人们的研究热情不是很高。
In 1911 Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium and opened the door to superconductivity. Since the superconductivity phenomenon has been discovered, it has been a hot topic of research. The first phenomenon people find is zero-resistance. Then, Meissner effect tell us the essence of superconductivity. Scientists have put forward many theories to explain superconductivity, Foe example: two-fluid model, the London equation, Pippard equation and GL equation. These theories tell us more and more information about superconductivity. Later, the birth of BCS theory made people really understand the essence of superconductivity. However, BCS theory also has many phenomena that cannot be perfectly explained. conventional superconductivity is generally incompatible with magnetism. However, people find an interplay between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetism in .Then antiferromagnetic and superconducting materials such as Er have been discovered. In 1980, the superconducting and ferromagnetic material was discovered. This discovery also brought people's curiosity about the Y-Co system. But the phase diagram of the Y-Co system is extremely complex, it make people have limited interest in this material
In recent years, there have been some achievements in the research about Y-Co system material, including ,Yand other materials. And the discovery of new ferromagnetic superconductors. For the coexistence of ferromagnetic and superconducting in ,There is new progress in the study
In this paper, the preliminary alloy was smelted by electric arc furnace melting method, and the appropriate sample was cut and sealed in a quartz tube, and then annealed at 850 K for 2 weeks and then annealed at 750 K for 6 weeks to obtain a sample.
After X-ray diffraction (XRD) ,scanning electron microscopy (SEM), spectrometer (EDS) and comprehensive physical property measurement system (PPMS) were used to characterize the sample, it was found that because the Y-Co system phase diagram was too complicated and limited by experimental ability, the sample was not uniform enough and the phase was not pure enough to observe the expected ferromagnetism and superconductivity.
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1超导态的发现与性质 1
1.1.1超导的发现 1
1.1.2 Meissner效应的发现 1
1.1.3超导相关的一些参数 2
1.1.4超导体特殊磁性的描述 2
1.2超导态的理论探索 2
1.2.1唯象理论 3
1.2.2 BCS理论 4
1.3有关的研究 6
1.3.1超导性和磁性 6
1.3.2 Y-Co系统 7
1.3.3 的结果以及相关的研究 9
1.4本实验的研究内容 10
第2章 实验方法及原理 10
2.1制备金属化合物的方法 10
2.1.1快速凝固法 10
2.1.2机械合金法 11
2.1.3反应熔渗法 11
2.1.4热爆反应法 11
2.1.5感应加热法 12
2.1.6微波加热法 12
2.1.7电弧熔炼法 12
2.2样品制备 13
2.2.1原料的配备 13
2.2.2电弧熔炼法制备样品 13
2.2.3退火 13
2.3样品的表征方法 13
2.3.1 X射线衍射(XRD) 14
2.3.2扫描电子显微镜(SEM) 14
2.3.3 X射线能谱(EDS) 14
2.3.4综合物性测量系统(PPMS) 14
第3章 表征与分析 16
3.1样品成分表征 16
3.1.1XRD 16
3.1.2EDS和SEM 17
3.2电磁学性质表征 18
3.2.1电性能表征 18
3.2.1磁性能表征 19
第4章 总结与展望 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
1911, Onnes成功的将当时认为不可能液化的“绝对气体”氦气成功的液化,同时也开创了极低温领域下的物理研究。Onnes立刻开始了在这个新的温度下的物理研究。首先是研究在这个温区内的电阻变化,Onnes选择了当时能够得到的最纯的金属:Hg,他发现Hg在4.2K的温度电阻突然跳跃式下降到最小值,而不是像以往所认为的那样随温度逐渐下降直到0K时电阻变为零。 Onnes认为他发现了物质的新态,并且将其称为超导。而且他坚定的认为这个新态的电阻为零,然而任何仪器都受到灵敏度的限制,因此无法严格的确定超导态的电阻为零,当时Onnes的实验条件确定超导态下的Hg的电阻不超过10。
1.1.2 Meissner效应的发现
这个矛盾在很长时间内未得到解决。直到1933 年,Meissner 和 Ochsenfeld测量超导圆柱外面的磁通密度分布时,发现不管加磁场的次序如何,超导体内部的磁感应强度永远为零。这个效应称为Meissner效。与理想导体不同,超导体无论什么时候内部磁场都为零,这与加磁场的顺序无关。将正常态的超导体放入磁场中冷却,当出现超导电性的时候,磁场会立刻被排出超导体内部。