
 2022-01-17 23:21:52


目 录

一.引言 1

1. 二次电子发射应用的发展趋势 1

2. 二次电子发射的研究现状 1

二.二次电子发射的理论基础和特征分析 2

1.二次电子的发射原理 2

2.特征函数分析 3

三.到达金属表面的内二次电子的能量分布 3

四.ФrealB(Фreal,EF)的影响 5

五.Фrealεcreal,EF) 的影响 6

六.ФrealL(ФrealEF)mean的影响 7

七.Фreal δm(ФrealEF) 和 δ(ФrealEFEp0) 的影响 8

八.结果与讨论 9

1.不同金属的二次电子表面能量分布分析 10

2.到达表面的二次电子逸出概率B(ФrealEF)随Фreal的变化分析 14

3.逸出所需平均能量εc(ФrealEF)随着Фreal的变化分析 12

4.内二次电子的能量占比随Фreal 的变化分析 12

5.B(ФrealEF)与 εc(ФrealEF)随Фreal 的变化比较 12

6.L(ФrealEF)mean随Фreal的变化分析 13

7.δ(ФrealEFEp0)的结果分析 13

8.小结 14

九.结论 14

参考文献 16

致谢 16

附录 17




Abstract:Different sample preparation can lead to different surface composition (contamination and oxidation) and different real work function Фreal, and different sample preparation can lead to different parameters of secondary electron emission from the same kind of metal such as B(Фreal, EF), ε(Фreal, EF),λ(Фreal, EF) and δm(Фreal, EF); where EF is the distance from Fermi energy to the bottom of the conduction band, B(Фreal, EF) is the probability that an internal secondary electrons reaching surface pass over the surface barrier into vacuum, ε(Фreal, EF) is the average energy required to produce an internal secondary electron excited from the conduction band and inner-shell,λ(Фreal, EF) is mean escape depth of secondary electrons, and δm(Фreal, EF) is the maximum secondary electron yield from metal. Based on free-electron model, the energy range of excited electrons and internal secondary electrons, the energy band of a metal, the existed formulae, the processes and characteristics of secondary electron emission, the formulae for the influence of changes of Фreal on B(Фreal, EF), εc(Фreal, EF), L(Фreal, EF)mean and δm(Фreal, EF) were deduced, respectively; where εc(Фreal, EF) and L(Фreal,EF)mean are the average energy required to produce an internal secondary electron excited from the conduction band and inelastic mean escape depth of secondary electrons, respectively. The formula for the influence of changes of Фreal on δm(Фreal, EF) was proved to be true, and the results were analyzed. It is concluded that the formula for the influence of changes of Фreal on δm(Фreal, EF) can be used to estimate the influence of changes of Фreal on δ(Фreal, EF, Ep0) and δm(Фreal, EF), and that the change of λ(Фreal, EF) with Фreal has much more influence on the change of δ(Фreal, EF, Ep0) and δm(Фreal, EF) with Фreal than the change of [B(Фreal,EF)/ ε(Фreal, EF)] with Фreal does; where Ep0 and δ(Фreal, EF, Ep0) are incident energy of primary electron and secondary electron yield from metal at Ep0.

Key words:real work function; surface composition; secondary electron emission; secondary electron yield.



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