摘 要
As an important symbol of industrial automation level and industrial 4.0, the research and development of industrial robots are strongly supported by the state. The development prospects of domestic industrial robot market cannot be underestimated. Because the current industrial robot manufacturers only open part of the robot control interface when they sell robotic products, lab personnel are limited in the research of robotic operating system. In order to better develop the teach-apart industrial robot integrated system, it is necessary to study the motion control and trajectory planning module in the controller. In order to improve the motion performance of the robot, it is necessary to study the trajectory planning algorithm.
Focusing on the industrial robot integrated system,motion module and related trajectory planning algorithm are discussed. Firstly, the description of rigid posture and homogeneous coordinate transformation in space are discussed. On this basis, the connecting rod parameters of a typical six-axis industrial robot are analyzed, and the D-H coordinate system of the robot is established. Using forward kinematics, the mathematical equation describing the motion characteristics of the robot from the geometric point of view is obtained. Combining with the inverse kinematics analysis, the mathematical model of the kinematics part is deduced. Then, in the part of trajectory planning, starting with the basic trajectory fitting, the trajectory effects of different forms of analytic expressions are analyzed, and the realization of trajectory planning algorithm with speed and acceleration requirements under path constraints is discussed. The smooth trajectory planning method to meet the requirements of tasks passing through a given point and the use of more advanced trajectory planning algorithm are also discussed. Finally, based on the analysis of the six-degree-of-freedom industrial robot model, the trajectory planning algorithm of the industrial robot system is designed by using MATLAB. By optimizing the existing cubic spline trajectory planning algorithm, the speed and acceleration of boundary points can be controlled simultaneously. The simulation realization of kinematics module and trajectory planning algorithm is given. The influence of different trajectory planning algorithms on the performance of industrial robot control system is analyzed through the data and image results of simulation experiments.
KEY WORDS: industrial robot, kinematics, trajectory planning
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文内容及结构安排 3
第二章 工业机器人运动学 4
2.1 工业机器人空间描述与坐标变换 4
2.1.1 空间描述 4
2.1.2 坐标变换 5
2.2 工业机器人运动学建模 7
2.2.1 机器人连杆参数分析 7
2.2.2 机器人坐标系建立 8
2.3 工业机器人运动学分析 9
2.3.1 正运动学分析 9
2.3.2 逆运动学分析 10
2.3.3 运动学仿真 13
2.4 本章小结 13
第三章 轨迹规划算法分析 14
3.1 概述 14
3.2 基本轨迹的解析表达式 15
3.2.1 多项式轨迹 15
3.2.2 三角函数轨迹 19
3.2.3 指数函数轨迹 20
3.2.4 基于傅里叶级数的轨迹 20
3.3 路径约束下简单轨迹规划 21
3.3.1 抛物线过渡的直线轨迹 21
3.3.2 双S型速度曲线 22
3.3.3 分段多项式轨迹 23
3.4 经过多个点的轨迹规划 24
3.4.1 三次样条插值轨迹规划 24
3.4.2 B样条函数轨迹规划 26
3.4.3 最优轨迹规划 27
3.5 本章小结 29
第四章 工业机器人轨迹规划算法仿真 30
4.1 工作任务设定 30
4.1.1 工作任务描述 30
4.1.2 初始状态及运动参数设定 30
4.2 轨迹规划算法仿真 32
4.2.1 机器人逆运动学求解 32
4.2.2 轨迹规划算法优化 33
4.2.3 仿真结果分析 35
4.2.4 绘制末端轨迹 36
4.3 本章小结 38
第五章 总结与展望 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42
自Karel Capek提出机器人的概念的20年后,第一台可编程机器人诞生。7年后,UNIMATE机器人进入汽车装配生产线,开启了工业自动化的时代。从此以后,机器人技术迅速发展,成为当今工业的重要组成部分,代表着一个国家的工业自动化水平[1]。