
 2022-05-22 20:26:12


摘 要







Recently, with the rapid development of information technology, traditional financial institutions have developed a new financial business model in conjunction with emerging Internet enterprises. Document categorization technology can effectively extract Market information, realize the organic combination of artificial intelligence supervision and traditional supervision means, enhance the ability of large data information collection and risk control, reduce operational risks and costs, and provide a new path for the healthy development of the financial industry.  

In 2006, the concept of deep learning was proposed, subsequently applied to the field of computer vison, Natural Language Processing, speech recognition, and successfully made many breakthroughs, the recurrent neural network in deep learning is widely used to solve the problem of part of speech tagging, translation, named entity recognition and so on. Abstract most Natural Language processing problem as a sequence generation sequence and use the appropriate structure of recurrent neural network processing it become the current hot and mainstream.

This a classifies Chinese short document data sets in the financial field. There are three main models in this paper. The first is the cyclic neural network model, which focuses on comparing the effect of pooling layer and hidden state parameters on Chinese document classification. The second is convolution neural network model, depending on the convolution kernel size and convolution kernel number on Chinese short document classification. Finally, the circular convolution hybrid neural network model, combined with the optimal model of the first two models, improves the accuracy and recall rate of document classification.

KEY WORDS: deep learning,document classification,LSTM,CNN,

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.1.1金融领域汉语短文本分类必要性 5

1.1.2 课题研究意义 5

1.2国内外研究概况 7

1.2.1机器学习与汉语短文本分类 7

1.2.2深度学习与汉语短文本分类 8

1.3论文的组织结构 10

第二章 深度学习理论基础 11

2.1从机器学习到深度学习 11

2.2神经元和神经网络 12

2.3 循环神经网络 13

2.4 卷积神经网络 15

2.5本章小结 18

第三章 面向金融领域的汉语短文本分类模型 19

3.1 基于循环层的汉语短文本分类模型 19

3.2 基于卷积层的汉语短文本分类模型 21

3.3 基于循环卷积层的汉语短文本分类模型 23

3.3.1 嵌入层 23

3.3.2 卷积层 23

3.3.3 循环层 23

3.3.4 分类层 24

3.4本章小结 24

第四章 实验与结果分析 25

4.1 数据集处理 25

4.1.1 数据集介绍及划分 25

4.1.3 中文分词 27

4.2 实验环境 28

4.3模型性能评判标准 29

4.4 实验参数对比与结果与分析 30

4.4.1 LSTM模型 31

4.4.2 CNN模型 33

4.4.3 CNN-LSTM模型 34

4.5 本章小结 34

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1总结 35

5.2 展望 36

参考文献 37

致谢 39

第一章 绪论






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