摘 要
With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies, people's demand for sensory information is correspondingly increasing. This is not only reflected in daily life and consumption. In many current practical engineering projects and industries, real-time audio data is needed to understand and monitor the actual situation. Situation, or for other emergency situations, etc. Although there are many audio and video data transmission applications on the market and the development and use of some common portable devices, technologies and devices that can transmit in parallel and use multi-channel technology to transmit multiple audio data still require further research.
The FPGA-based digital audio acquisition equipment and transmission system involved in this project realizes the collection, processing and transmission of multi-channel audio signals. The system uses a high-performance professional audio sampling chip PCM1860, which specifically combines the design of the chip and FPGA (Verilog HDL Language). Design a multi-precision (8/16/24-bit), multi-channel ( 5 channels), multi-rate (32KHz/44.1KHz/48KHz) audio acquisition and transmission equipment. The device has the advantages of low cost, rich functions, stable performance, fast data transmission rate, large data throughput, low power consumption, and high real-time performance.
This proposed system describes the system design architecture in detail, and focuses on the design and implementation of the bottom layer and upper computer of the audio sampling and transmission system. Finally, the relevant technologies are summarized.
KEY WORDS: FPGA, ADC, Audio Sampling, PCM1860
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 数字音频技术发展状况 1
1.3 主要研究内容与章节安排 3
1.3.1 要解决的技术问题 3
1.3.2 技术方案及章节安排 3
第二章 音频采集及传输设备硬件设计 5
2.1 硬件系统设计框图 5
2.2 音频采集模块方案介绍与论证 5
2.2.1 PCM186x 音频前端 5
2.2.2 FPGA模块 9
2.3 数据传输模块 10
2.3.1 主要特点 11
2.3.2 传输方案 11
2.4 音频采集及传输模块PCB 11
2.4.1 硬件原理图 11
2.5 本章小结 15
第三章 FPGA设计 16
3.1 FPGA选型 16
3.2 模块设计 17
3.2.1 PCM1860模块 17
3.2.2 FT2232H数据传输模块 18
3.2.3 频率切换模块 20
3.3 总体设计 20
3.4 本章小结 21
第四章 上位机软件设计 22
4.1 功能概述 22
4.2 FIFO 22
4.2.1 FIFO简介 22
4.2.2 FIFO设计难点 22
4.3 读取底层音频数据 23
4.3.1 FT_OpenEx 23
4.3.2 FT_GetStatus 23
4.3.3 FT_Open 23
4.3.4 FT_Close 23
4.4 音频数据解析 23
4.4.1 循环队列 24
4.4.2 数据解析 26
4.5 通过TCP/IP协议发送到终端 27
4.6 多线程的实现 28
4.7 本章小结 29
第五章 音频采集与传输设备调试与功能测试 30
5.1 硬件实物 30
5.2 音频采集与传输系统功能调试 30
5.2.1 PCM1860音频采集前端及FT2232H模块测试 31
5.2.2 电源模块调试 35
5.2.3 FPGA模块调试 35
5.2.4 终端播放调试 35
5.3 本章小结 39
第六章 总结与展望 40
6.1 总结 40
6.2 展望 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42
FPGA相对于通用可编程处理器能够更快地执行实时数字信号处理的任务,并且可以为其他系统组件提供极高速度的接口。FPGA具有专用的串行和并行接口,从而满足最近设备对高速外设和总线的要求。随着技术的发展, FPGA的开发周期逐渐变短、开发软件的投入愈来愈小,芯片及开发成本的不断降低[2]。