
 2022-07-17 13:57:38


摘 要


(1)驾驶员检测算法研究。本文针对主体为驾驶员的视频图像,改进了Faster R-CNN算法,在其基础上设计候选优化子网络,实现驾驶员的检测定位,并通过实验验证其高效性。





The bad driving behavior of drivers induces a large number of traffic accidents, causing heavy casualties and great property losses. Therefore, monitoring driving behavior is of great significance to prevent traffic accidents.Based on the extensive application of deep learning in the field of computer vision and the popularization of vehicle-mounted camera , vehicle-mounted camera  monitoring becomes possible.Taking the driver as the research object, a video based behavior recognition algorithm is designed, which identifies 5 bad driving behaviors of smoking, calling, playing, talking with the neighbour and disconnecting the steering wheel with both hands, and validates its feasibility on the self built driver's behavior video library. Research on driver target detection, behavior feature extraction, classification and recognition and other related algorithms is emphasized in this article.The following are the main tasks:

  1. Research on driver detection algorithm.In this paper, the Faster R-CNN algorithm is improved for the driver image. On the basis of it, the candidate optimization subnetwork is designed to realize the driver's detection and location, and the efficiency is verified by the experiment.
  2. Extraction of short space-time behavior characteristics of drivers.After the driver is accurately located in the image, this paper proposes a uniform random sampling method based on the amplitude of the optical flow, and improves the classic C3D (3D convolution) network based on the sampling key frame sequence to extract the short space-time behavior characteristics of the driver.
  3. The design of the driver's behavior identification network.Because the three-dimensional convolution pool is only limited to the short space-time behavior characteristics, and the actual behavior of the driver is a long time sequence, this paper uses the convolution long term memory unit to construct the two level subnetwork to extract the short temporal features of the context information so as to learn the characteristics of the long space-time behavior, and then through the multi-scale pooling characteristics of the space Pyramid. In the end, the driver's behavior recognition is realized.

Keywords: Driver behavior Recognition, Object Detection, 3D Convolution Pooling, ConvLSTM

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 驾驶员不良驾驶行为监控 2

1.2.2 目标检测 2

1.2.3 行为识别 3

1.3 本文研究内容及组织结构 7

1.3.1 研究内容 7

1.3.2 组织结构 7

第二章 驾驶员检测算法研究 9

2.1 概述 9

2.2 神经网络概述 9

2.2.1 人工神经网络 9

2.2.2 卷积神经网络 10

2.3 特征提取残差网络 12

2.3.1 残差网络结构 12

2.3.2 特征提取及实验分析 14

2.4 候选区域生成网络 18

2.4.1 网络结构 18

2.4.2 基准矩形框 19

2.4.3 损失函数 19

2.5 分类回归网络 20

2.5.1 网络结构 20

2.5.2 ROIpooling层 21

2.5.3 损失函数 21

2.6 基于候选优化的驾驶员检测改进算法 22

2.6.1 改进检测算法的网络结构 22

2.6.2 候选优化网络 23

2.6.3 损失函数 24

2.6.4 网络训练与实验分析 24

2.7 本章小结 25

第三章 驾驶员短时空行为特征提取 26

3.1 概述 26

3.2 基于光流幅值的均匀随机采样 26

3.2.1 光流概念 27

3.2.2 光流幅值计算 28

3.2.3 采样设计及实验分析 29

3.3 三维卷积神经网络 32

3.3.1 三维卷积池化 32

3.3.2 C3D网络模型 33

3.4 驾驶员短时空行为特征提取网络 33

3.4.1 梯度消失与Batch Normalization算法 33

3.4.2 网络结构设计 36

3.4.3 实验结果及分析 37

3.5 本章小结 37

第四章 驾驶员行为识别网络设计 38

4.1 概述 38

4.2 时间序列处理模型 38

4.2.1 递归神经网络 38

4.2.2 长短期记忆单元 40

4.2.3 卷积长短期记忆单元 41

4.3 提取短时空行为特征的上下文信息 43

4.3.1 网络结构 43

4.3.2 ConvLSTM网络训练 45

4.4 空间金字塔池化 46

4.4.1 网络结构 47

4.4.2 实验结果及分析 47

4.5 Dropout抵制过拟合 48

4.6 网络误差函数 50

4.7 实验结果及分析 51

4.7.1 实验环境 51

4.7.2 网络训练策略 51

4.7.3 自建驾驶员行为视频库上的实验 51

4.8 本章小结 54

第五章 总结与展望 55

致 谢 56

参考文献 57






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