
 2023-04-19 17:48:15


摘 要

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第一章 前言 1

1. 1 研发此系统的意义 1

1. 2 本课题在国内外的研究动态 1

1. 2. 1 国外同步顶升技术的研究现状 1

1. 2. 2 国内同步顶升技术的研究现状 1

1. 3 本课题每一章的要点 2

第二章 液压同步顶升系统的设计 3

2. 1 液压同步顶升控制系统 3

2. 2 系统的硬件部分 3

2. 2. 1 电磁阀 3

2. 2. 2 可编程逻辑控制器 4

2. 2. 3 检测传感器 6

第三章 系统整体设计 9

3. 1 设备结构组成 9

3. 2 设备的原理图 10

3. 3 如何选用合适的方案 11

第四章 监控组态软件的设计 12

4 .1 组态软件介绍 12

4. 2 WebAccess网际组态软件 12

4. 3 基于WebAccess的人机交互界面设计 12

4. 4 液压同步顶升控制系统的PLC程序设计 15

4. 5 PLC与组态软件WebAccess的通信 17

4 .6 数据处理方法 17

第五章 总结 18

5. 总结 18

致谢 20

参考文献 21

附录 22


论文中,首先就物体提升平移技术的国内外发展水平进行了剖析、专研,而后给出了一种使用电磁阀 PLC 组态软件设计的控制系统。继而介绍了各种控制算法,对PID控制算法的选择作为控制系统的要求,并对数学模型的机械部分和电气组合,在Webaccess组态软件平台上搭建了模型。外设系统包含液压系统、电液比例阀、PLC控制箱、电脑、传感器等模块;软件包括上位机人机界面、PLC控制软件两大部分,PLC控制软件采用腾空专用编程软件Multiprog编制了梯形图控制程序,计算机专用的人机界面( HMI )利用组态软件WebAccess7.0作为发展平台,并且阐述了通讯模块,硬件和软件的通信方式和协议。最后,对于本项目中的不足之处,提出了需要改进的方向。


关键词:液压同步顶升控制 ; PLC ; WebAccess


Building jack-up translation technology because of its economical and practical, quick construction, etc, have been at home and abroad has been widely used in building, is a new technology has wide application prospect. But normal jack-up technique can"t ensure the jack-up accuracy and stability, and workload big, affect work efficiency, easy to delay the timing of the project, prone to safe hidden trouble. Aiming at this situation, analysis on the advantages and disadvantages in the existing system, based on the reconstruction project, based on the modern theory and technology, combining the theory of synchronous jack-up and control algorithm, developed a system design scheme.

In the paper, the beginning is building jack-up translation technique analyzes the level of development at home and abroad, study, and then presents a use of electromagnetic valve PLC configuration software design of control system. Then all kinds of control algorithm is introduced, the selection of PID control algorithm as the requirement of control system, and the mathematical model of mechanical part and electric combination, on Webaccess configuration software platform to build the model for simulation of control system. The study of hardware and software design , the electro-hydraulic proportional valve, PLC control box, computer and sensor module; Software including PC man-machine interface, PLC control software of two parts, the PLC control software adopts special formulation of the ladder diagram programming software Multiprog suspension control program, the computer dedicated human machine interface (HMI) using the configuration software WebAccess7.0 as a development platform, and details the PLC and communication module, communication mode and communication protocol of WebAccess..

Finally, for the project of the shortcomings, puts forward the direction of the need to improve.


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