摘 要
本文首先对投标招标的国内外研究现状进行调研和分析,介绍如何借助互联网发布待采购产品信息,对供应商档案、招标文件发布、投标、招标执行记录和招标统计分析进行规范化管理。 并且在研究和理解基础上开发一套完整的基于大型数据库应用的面向生产企业的招标管理软件。考虑到供应商具有远程查询招标信息和投标登记的需求,要求设计出的软件具有浏览器访问功能,因此我们选择了B/S模式。除了达到最基本的招标管理的要求,软件还应具有安全管理机制,易于管理员对招标系统的使用进行统一管理。
此次开发的基于Web的招标管理管理软件是以Visual Studio 2012作为开发平台,以C#作为编程语言,前台采用ASP.NET,后台采用SQL Server2012数据库,采用B/S结构。虽然成功开发的软件与市场上已有的,成熟的软件相比较还有很多的不足之处,但是从软件的运行效果来看,基本上还是能够满足招标管理的实际需求。
Bidding is organized, procedures, standardization of market transactions.it is trading methods of commodity, technology and labor. Tender is the most important way of procurement. We can understood that traditional tender has been unable to meet the needs of production and development with the rapid development of science and technology. Thus the birth of electronic tendering will change the status of the bidding markets, market transactions, tender management software is also essential for a piece of software.
In this paper, we study domestic and foreign bidder by research and analysis. This article describes how to use the Internet to publish the information of commodity to be purchased and to manage properly vendor file, publish the tender documents, bidding, tendering, bidding recording and statistical analysis, and develops a complete set of large database applications based on production-oriented bidding management software on the basis of research and understanding. Considering the needs of suppliers bidding information with remote inquiry and bid registration into count. That requires software designed with a browser access. So we chose the B / S mode. In addition to meeting the basic requirements of the tender management software, it should also have safety management system, and be easy for administrator to manage the using of the software unitary.
The development of Web-based management software tender management based on Visual Studio 2012 as the development platform, C # as the programming language, using ASP.NET as front desk , background using SQL Server2012 database as background, using B / S structure. Although compared with the successful software had already been development on the market and mature software, there are many shortcomings, but from the point of view of software running effect, it basically meets the actual needs of the tender management.
Key Word: Tender management, B / S model, database design, software development
目 录
摘要 - 3 -
Abstract - 4 -
目 录 - 5 -
第1章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景和意义 - 1 -
1.2 国内外研究现状 - 3 -
1.3 论文的主要工作 - 4 -
第2章 系统分析和功能设计 - 5 -
2.1 总体分析 - 5 -
2.2 针对性分析 - 6 -
2.3 系统主要业务流程 - 6 -
2.4 设计目标 - 8 -
2.5 设计思路 - 8 -
2.6 系统角色设计 - 9 -
2.7 系统功能分析 - 12 -
第3章 系统软件架构选择和数据库设计 - 13 -
3.1 系统软件架构选择 - 13 -
3.2 数据库管理系统的设计 - 15 -
3.3 数据库设计流程 - 16 -
3.4 数据库概念设计 - 17 -
3.5 数据库逻辑设计 - 18 -
3.6 数据库物理设计 - 21 -
第4章 系统软件代码设计 - 23 -
4.1 程序代码设计原则 - 23 -
4.2 软件开发工具的选择 - 24 -
4.3 公共类设计 - 26 -
4.4 软件设计举例 - 28 -
4.4.1 登录模块 - 28 -
4.4.2 注册模块 - 30 -
4.4.3 招标用户个人管理模块 - 31 -
4.4.4 投标用户个人管理模块 - 32 -
4.4.5 评标专家个人管理模块 - 33 -
4.4.6 管理员个人管理模块 - 34 -
4.4.7 统计评分结果功能模块 - 35 -
4.4.8 招标公告查询模块 - 36 -
4.4.9 专家评分记录打印模块 - 38 -
第5章 基于Web的招标管理软件的测试 - 40 -
5.1 基于Web的招标管理软件测试概述 - 40 -
5.2 基于Web的招标管理软件测试用例设计 - 40 -
5.2.1 系统功能测试用例 - 40 -
5.2.2 系统用户界面测试 - 43 -
第6章 总结与展望 - 45 -
参考文献 - 47 -
致谢 - 48 -