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    论文总字数:17211字摘 要我国经济一直在迅猛发展,但企业在创造经济利益、带动社会发展的同时也引发了一系列气候变暖、大气污染、资源浪费和能源匮乏等生态环境问题,严重威胁我们的生存环境。企业是经济活动的主要参与者,也是导致全球气候变暖的主要“凶手”之一,而我国的重污染行业更是对节能减排有不可推卸的责任。因此,作为污染主要来源的重污染行业上市公司应充分披露碳排放信息,节能减排、实行低碳发展。国外对碳信息披露进行了深入的研究,取得一系列研究成果。然而,我国对低碳经济的研究较晚,因此对碳的研究对我国既是机遇又是挑战。截止到现在,国内公司对碳信息披露取决于其自愿的态度,缺乏统一的指导,导致评价碳信息披露质量时多种多样,不具有统一性。因此,要达到减少温室气体排放,促进企业利益


    论文总字数:12031字摘 要 本文选择江苏省徐州市作为研究的区域,根据Landsat遥感影像,使用ENVI软件采取了最大似然法的监督分类方法,通过目视解译,分别获得了徐州市1999,2005,2011、2014年四个年份到达土地利用/覆被分类信息及土地利用转移矩阵。结合Arcgis软件,制作分析获得土地利用结构变化图,从而得以分析徐州市土地利用的变化情况。结果表明:在1999-2014时段间地类呈现耕地逐渐减少,城乡用地不断增加,草地小幅度增加,林地变化过程中逐渐减少以及水域的面积先上升后下降的变化规律。关键词: GIS,RS,徐州,土地利用Abstract: Xuzhou City, Jiangsu province was chosen as the region of this paper, according to the Landsat remote sensing image, using ENVI software to carry out the experiment. The classification method of maximum likelihood method is adopted, and the land use / cover classification


    论文总字数:4414字摘 要招标文件是指由招标人或招标代理机构编制并向潜在投标人发售的明确资格条件、合同条款、评标方法和投标文件响应格式的文件。是招标方对工程进行投资预算的依据,,是整个招投标活动的基础。本工程为六合新城龙池路跨滁河大桥及其连接线工程,工程道路全长为1100米道路宽度为40米。   本设计主要内容按国家标准招标文件的规范进行编制。本设计主要内容包括了六个章节:前言、投标须知、评标办法、工程量清单、技术标准和要求、投标文件格式。关 键 词:招标文件,跨滁河大桥,投资预算,招投标活动Abstract: The tender documents is to point to by the tenderer or a procuratorial agency establishment and clear to potential bidder"s qualifications, the terms of the contract, the bid evaluation method and the bid documents response format file. Is the tenderee to the


    论文总字数:4414字摘 要招标文件是指由招标人或招标代理机构编制并向潜在投标人发售的明确资格条件、合同条款、评标方法和投标文件响应格式的文件。是招标方对工程进行投资预算的依据,,是整个招投标活动的基础。本工程为六合新城龙池路跨滁河大桥及其连接线工程,工程道路全长为1100米道路宽度为40米。   本设计主要内容按国家标准招标文件的规范进行编制。本设计主要内容包括了六个章节:前言、投标须知、评标办法、工程量清单、技术标准和要求、投标文件格式。关 键 词:招标文件,跨滁河大桥,投资预算,招投标活动Abstract: The tender documents is to point to by the tenderer or a procuratorial agency establishment and clear to potential bidder"s qualifications, the terms of the contract, the bid evaluation method and the bid documents response format file. Is the tenderee to the


    摘 要就我国建筑行业的现状来看,当前仍然延续传统粗放的生产方式,其质量管理、成本管理、进度管理的技术和手段还很落后。而随着BIM技术的研究发展和应用,专家学者们发现了解决传统落后成本控制技术的突破口,就是通过BIM信息集成平台实现对开发项目全过程成本的动态控制。因此国家也积极推进BIM信息中心的建设以及互联网 大数据在各行各业的应用。但是,由于BIM信息集成平台尚处于应用初期,而且各房地产开发企业和建设施工单位转变成本控制的思路和方式需要一段时间。因此本文在结合BIM技术的基础上,对房地产开发成本的动态控制进行系统深入的研究,从而使基于BIM技术的成本控制思想得以在未来实际工程中实现从概念到应用的转化,为房地产企业创造更多的经济效益。本文首先通过分析、研究和总结国内外在成本控制和BIM技


    摘 要本设计是对联发•章江榕院项目2#住宅楼进行施工组织设计,目的在于分析该工程的各种状况和条件从而制定出合理的施工方案。任务是根据联发•章江榕院的编制依据,工程概况,工程重难点分析以及联发•章江榕院项目2#住宅楼的结构特点,进行施工部署,计算工程量,分析并制定施工进度计划,用CAD画施工平面布置图,制定分项工程的施工方案和分析,以及质量保证措施。设计结果:根据广联达钢筋算量软件建模并计算钢筋工程量,土建算量软件算出混凝土和土方等工程量,从而确定不同施工阶段的各个工种的人数,施工机械的数量,以及资源配置,然后用编制施工进度计划。再根据项目场地的条件和要求,确定现场各种材料堆放和加工的场地,临时用水,临时用电等设施的布置。本文的特色:通过分析联发•章江榕院项目的工程状况,

    任务类型对英语学习者单个词习得的影响研究 The Effect of Task Type on EFL Learners Single Word Acquisition毕业论文

    论文总字数:44126字摘 要1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Need for the study 11.2 Research purposes 22 LITERATURE REVIEW 32.1 Incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition 32.2 The involvement load hypothesis and incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition 42.3 Empirical studies on incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition through reading 52.4 Problems in the previous studies 73 METHODOLOGY 93.1 Research questions 93.2 Listening material and tasks 93.3 Procedure of data collection 103.4 Scoring methods 113.5 Data analysis 114 RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS 134.1 Results 134.1.1 Descriptive statistics for L2 receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition 134.1.2 Tests of group differences in L2 receptive and productive vocabulary acquisition 144.2 Discussions 145 CONCLUSIONS 175.1 Major findings of the study 175.2 Implications 175.2.1 Theoretical implications 175.2.2 Pedagogical implications 185.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 18REFERENCES 20AcknowledgementsIt is one of the real challenges that I ha

    On the Unreliable Animal Narrative in A Dog’s Tale论《狗的自述》中不可靠动物叙事毕业论文

    论文总字数:55304字摘 要1. Introduction 11.1 Research background 11.2 Literature review 41.3 Need of the study 62. Phelan’s Theory on Unreliability 82.1 Classification 82.2 Development 92.3 Influences 103. Unreliability of Animal Narrative in A Dog’s Tale 123.1 Misreporting of Mr. Gray’s identity 123.2 Underreporting of the discussion on optics and plants 143.3 Misinterpreting of the puppy’s death 163.4 Misevaluating of the animal narrator’s life 184. Conclusion 20References 22AcknowledgmentsFor the help and support that have facilitated the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to many people.First, I am deeply indebted to Professor Hu Aihua who supervised me to complete this thesis. From the selection of the topic, review of narrative theories to textual analysis of the novel, she has offered me valuable suggestions and inspirations. She scrutinized my drafts patiently and gave me instructions that helped me out of the dead end. Wi

    On the Unreliable Animal Narrative in A Dog’s Tale论《狗的自述》中不可靠动物叙事毕业论文

    论文总字数:55304字摘 要1. Introduction 11.1 Research background 11.2 Literature review 41.3 Need of the study 62. Phelan’s Theory on Unreliability 82.1 Classification 82.2 Development 92.3 Influences 103. Unreliability of Animal Narrative in A Dog’s Tale 123.1 Misreporting of Mr. Gray’s identity 123.2 Underreporting of the discussion on optics and plants 143.3 Misinterpreting of the puppy’s death 163.4 Misevaluating of the animal narrator’s life 184. Conclusion 20References 22AcknowledgmentsFor the help and support that have facilitated the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to many people.First, I am deeply indebted to Professor Hu Aihua who supervised me to complete this thesis. From the selection of the topic, review of narrative theories to textual analysis of the novel, she has offered me valuable suggestions and inspirations. She scrutinized my drafts patiently and gave me instructions that helped me out of the dead end. Wi


    摘 要本文采用中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)2011—2015年的数据,构建了教育与代际收入流动关系的理论框架,分析我国居民代际收入流动的变化趋势及现状,并探索影响教育与代际收入流动关系的因素。综合运用OLS回归方法、转换概率矩阵和Logistic回归方法对我国代际收入流动性的特点以及我国居民教育与代际收入流动的关系进行实证分析。研究结果表明:①现阶段,我国社会总体代际收入流动性较低,收入不平等在代际间的传递效应较为明显;中间收入组群代际流动频繁,两端收入组群代际流动匮乏;我国城镇代际收入流动性高于农村;②教育对促进社会代际收入流动具有重要作用,受教育程度的提高有利于个体向高收入阶层流动;③教育有利于社会底层摆脱其劣势地位实现向上流动,促进代际流动,但是教育更有利于优势阶层复制其优势



