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    A Study of Feminism in To the Lighthouse by Symbolic Techniques 基于象征手法研究《到灯塔去》中的女性主义思想毕业论文

    摘 要 iv1. Introduction 11.1 Experience of Virginia Woolf 11.2 Background of the novel 11.3 Main characters and plots in the novel 21.4 Theme of the novel and intrinsic meaning 22. Literature review 43. A Study of Feminism in To the Lighthouse by Using Symbolic Techniques 63. 1 Analysis of feminism and symbolism in the novel 63.1.1 Origin and development of feminism 63.1.2 Analysis of characters and exploration of feminism Analysis of typical male character Analysis of traditional female character Analysis of modern female character 103.1.3 Characters and objects embodied by symbolism Brief explanation of symbolism and consciousness General introduction of symbolic things Specific explanation of the symbolic images 123.2 The influence of feminism 133.2.1 The advantages of feminism in the novel 143.2.2 The limitation of Virginia’s feminism 153.2.3 Feminism in China 154. Conclusion 18References 20AcknowledgmentsI would like to

    Analysis of the Narrative Style of Agatha Christie’s Novels 论阿加莎克里斯蒂小说的叙事风格毕业论文

    摘 要1. Introduction 11.1 Author’s background 11.2Brief glance of Agatha’s work 12. Literature Review 43. Analysis of the Narrative Style of Agatha Christie’s Novels 73.1 Brief depiction of Agatha’s Novel 73.1.1 Narrative sequence and story sequence 73.1.2 “Most Impossible” Model 83.2Detail illustration from discourse formation 93.2.1Space narration geography space and Time Space Text Space 134. Conclusion 14References 16Acknowledgments 17Abstract Known as the world-famous “queen of the detective novels”, Agatha Christie innovates a golden age of Euro-American detective fiction, called as the Three majoring literary masters of the world with Conan Doyle and Seicho Matsumoto. She is a very productive writer who fully imbued narrative charm in her works, but its light literature classification fails to attract the attention of literature critics and reviewers, even though there pops up many great classic works. Suspension is an

    Nihilism in The Floating Opera by John Barth 约翰巴思《漂浮的歌剧》中的虚无主义毕业论文

    摘 要 iii1. Introduction 11.1 Research background 11.2 Methods of the study 12. Literature Review........................................................................................33. Nihilism in The Floating Opera by John Barth 5 3.1The theory on nihilism......................................................................................53.1.1Definition 53.1.2Origin, development and schools 63.1.3 John Barth’s nihilism 73.2The relationship between Todd and nihilism 83.2.1 Todd's awareness of death 83.2.2 Todd's love life 93.2.3Todd's nihilistic philosophy of life 103.2.4 The inextricable nihilism 13 3.3 Reflection.......................................................................................................144. Conclusion 15References................................................................................................................16Ackowledgements.................................................................................................17A

    Analysis of Female Characters in The Mon and Six Pence 《月亮和六便士》中的女性形象分析毕业论文

    摘 要1. Introduction 11.1 A brief introduction to Somerset Maugham 11.2 Introduction to the novel The Moon and Sixpence 22. Literature Review 33. Women Images in The Moon and Sixpence 53.1 The image of Mrs. Strickland 53.1.1 Mrs. Strickland : a shrewd woman 53.1.2 Mrs. Strickland : sensitive about her reputation 63.2 The image of Blanche 73.2.1 Blanche: a double-faced woman 73.2.2 Blanche: an adventurous woman 83.3 The image of Ata 83.3.1 Ata: a submissive woman 93.3.2 Ata: a dedicated woman 94. Maugham’s View on Women 114.1 women are dependent 114.2 Women have a strong sense of control 114.3 Women are hypocritical 124.4 Women are superficial 135. Female Status in the Male-Dominated Society 146. Conclusion 16References 18AcknowledgmentsMany people have contributed to this thesis in their own particular way and for that I want to give them my sincere gratitude. First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to Professor Wang Li, my supervisor, for the patient guidance she


    摘 要采用电化学噪声测试技术,研究碳钢电极在含不同浓度的ε-聚赖氨酸HCl溶液和NaCl溶液体系中的腐蚀行为。通过分析实验所得电化学噪声数据,数据表明:ε-聚赖氨酸对浸泡在HCl溶液和NaCl溶液中的碳钢电极的腐蚀速率有影响;随着ε-聚赖氨酸浓度升高,噪声电阻增大,即腐蚀速率随之下降,但ε-聚赖氨酸浓度超过某范围后,噪声电阻变小,腐蚀速率有上升;通过功率谱密度分析,浸泡在含ε-聚赖氨酸的HCl溶液或含ε-聚赖氨酸的NaCl溶液的碳钢电极发生了局部腐蚀,随着ε-聚赖氨酸浓度升高,电极表面腐蚀得到一定抑制。关键字:ε-聚赖氨酸 电化学噪声 噪声电阻 功率谱密度Electrochemical noise test for ε-ploy-L-lysineAbstractUsing electrochemical noise measurement technology ,Corrosion behavior of carbon steel electrode in HCI solution and NaCl solution with different concentration was studie


    摘 要本次课题为《剑侠情缘三》同人衍生周边产品设计,剑网三公测九年以来拥有的玩家生生不息,很大一部分原因是这个游戏有着很强的代入感,庞大的网络数据背后,是一个用热血与侠义勾画的江湖。同人文化是一种新兴的产业文化,它是在原作存在的设定基础之上进行二次创作,衍生出音影画物多元新产品的一个过程,在其蓬勃发展的今天,好的衍生周边产品的出现,同样能更好的推动发展。本次设计的同人衍生产品包含两大分支——一是相对小众的cosplay文化衍生产品;二则是面向大众的一般文创周边设计。关键词:剑侠情缘三,天策,同人衍生周边,cosplayAbstractThis project is about derivative products design of a game called JXonlineThree.The number of players has been larger and larger since the game public tested nine years ago.One of the major causes is this game has a strong sense of subst


    摘 要关键词:方案设计 连续梁桥 预应力 方案设计跨径布置1.1.1标准跨径山西省运宝黄河大桥副桥设计主跨为100m,本联设计采用变截面连续箱梁结构形式。为了在整体上保证桥的整体协调及美观性,跨径布置时,要和前后联协调好,通过计算调整,最终确定本联的跨径布置如下: 66m 100m 66m=232m标准跨径(相邻墩身轴线距离)布置图示如图 1-1。图 1-2 桥梁纵向布置图(单位:cm)1.2.4横隔板设计1.3横桥向设计1.3.1桥面设计图 1-4 桥面布置图(单位:cm)1.3.2横断面构造 根据设计经验,悬臂取2.5m、3m和3.5m。具体截面构造设计如图 1-5-图 1-7。 图 1-5 1#、4#墩顶截面(单位:cm) 图 1-6 跨中截面(单位:cm) 图 1-7 2#、3#、墩顶截面(单位:cm)图 1-8 底板厚度变化规律示意图(单位:cm) 图1-9 底板(腹板)变化示意


    摘 要本课题所依托的工程是运宝黄河大桥。本设计采用78m 120m 78m 箱施任务书本设计首先充分考虑设计参数和环境影响进行桥跨布设,截面尺寸的拟定;活载;其次,最后,经过综合分析和计算,本设计均符合相关规范要求,具有一定应用价值。关键词:连续钢构桥 悬臂施工 预应力ABSTRACTThisproject relies on Yunbao Yellow River Bridge. In this design, 78m 120m 78m three-span continuous girder bridge is adopted. The upper structure adopts single box and five-compartment box girder with variable cross-section. The thickness of the bottom plate and the height of the main girder of the box girder are changed by quadratic parabola. The cantilever construction method is adopted. According to the calculation task book design, firstly, the design parameters and environmental impacts are fully taken into account to lay out the bridge span and draw up the section size; secondly, the dead load, live load


    摘 要近年来,新能源厂站的发展十分迅速,但同时也出现了许多待解决的难题。首先新能源厂站具有数量众多、分布地域广泛、地理位置偏远等特点。运营方为降低成本,常采取租用公共网络进行远程运维管理,通过接入多个风电场生产控制大区对场站安全Ⅰ区的监控系统和安全Ⅱ区的功率预测系统进行远程监视控制。针对以上远程运维的问题,因为缺乏有效的检查技术,只能依靠人工现场巡检,费时费力。厂站可能会为了应付检查,临时拆除用于建立非法网络通道的设备,在检查结束后又重新进行安装部署。本文主要阐述了新能源厂站远程运维通道识别系统的开发过程和具体实现方法。针对远程运维问题的整体研究思路是:首先,QQ和TeamViewer是厂站工作人员进行远程运维时常使用的软件,需要分析这些应用在进行远程控制时的协议特征和规律


    毕业设计计算书第一章 工程概况1.1工程概况:本工程位于江苏省南京港,为南京港七坝港区办公楼设计。实际工程的建筑层数为五层,建筑平面长宽约45m×15m,建筑高度约20.1m。结构形式为2跨框架结构。建筑结构安全等级为二级,设计使用年限为50年;建筑场地类别为II类,地基基础设计等级为丙级;建筑抗震设防类别为丙类,抗震设防烈度为7度(基本地震加速度为0.10g),设计地震分组为第一组,抗震等级为三级。1、气象资料(1)基本风压值=0.4 kN/m2(2)基本雪压值=0. 4kN/m22、工程地质资料(1) 经勘察查明,各土层描述如下:①层填土,由粉质粘土、建筑垃圾、煤渣等混杂组成,厚度为0.3-0.8m。②--1层淤泥质粉质粘土,层厚为15.2-19.8m。 --2层淤泥质粉质粘土夹粉土,层厚为10.2-15.6m。③层粉细砂,层厚为5.1-6.0m。④层粉质粘土、粗砂混卵砾石,层厚为0.8-1.4m。



