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    论文总字数:38325字摘 要先根据CAD建筑图纸、建筑做法,利用尺寸设计原则,在PKPM建立结构模型并进行受力分析,地震模拟,确定结构尺寸。然后计算竖向、横向荷载下混凝土框架多层结构内力分析。再考虑不利组合下,进行梁柱配筋。最后对比手算电算结果,展示结构设计成果。关键词:混凝土框架结构;手算;Structural design of building C of S21 plantabstractFirst, according to CAD architectural drawings and architectural practices, using the dimensional design principle, establish a structural model and build in PKPM for force analysis, seismic simulation, to determine the structure size. Then we calculate the internal force analysis of multi - layer structure of concrete frame under vertical and horizontal load. Consider the unfavorable combination, perform the beam and column reinforcement. Finally, compare the manual electrical calculation results and show the structural de


    论文总字数:13042字摘 要内部控制是企业提高经营管理能力和危机应对机制的重要手段,研究上市公司内部控制影响因素对公司提高管理、精进内部控制质量具有很大意义。企业能够长久运营离不开完善的内部控制系统,其健全的制度可以优化管理模式,弥补在管理上不足的地方,更能防止会计舞弊和财务造假等事件的发生,减少运营成本,有利于达到企业的目标。本文以分析万科公司为案例结合内部控制的影响五大要素分析研究关键词:内部控制;影响因素Research on Influencing Factors of Internal  Control of Listed Companies in ChinaAbstractInternal control is regarded as an important measure for enterprises to improve their management level and crisis response ability. It is of great practical significance to study the influencing factors of internal control of listed companies for managers to


    论文总字数:38325字摘 要先根据CAD建筑图纸、建筑做法,利用尺寸设计原则,在PKPM建立结构模型并进行受力分析,地震模拟,确定结构尺寸。然后计算竖向、横向荷载下混凝土框架多层结构内力分析。再考虑不利组合下,进行梁柱配筋。最后对比手算电算结果,展示结构设计成果。关键词:混凝土框架结构;手算;Structural design of building C of S21 plantabstractFirst, according to CAD architectural drawings and architectural practices, using the dimensional design principle, establish a structural model and build in PKPM for force analysis, seismic simulation, to determine the structure size. Then we calculate the internal force analysis of multi - layer structure of concrete frame under vertical and horizontal load. Consider the unfavorable combination, perform the beam and column reinforcement. Finally, compare the manual electrical calculation results and show the structural de


    论文总字数:8861字摘 要改革开放以来,我国电子信息产业与时俱进,快速发展,实现了从国民经济新兴产业到重要支柱产业的历史性跨越。本文概括南京市电子信息产业发展现状,分析南京市电子信息产业发展过程中所存在的人才匮乏、自主创新能力薄弱、市场环境混乱、产业结构亟待优化等问题,并提出重视电子信息产业人才培养、提升电子信息产业自主创新能力、优化市场环境、升级产业结构等对策建议。关键词:电子信息产业,发展现状,建议Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, China"s electronic information industry to keep pace with The Times, the rapid development, has realized from the emerging industry to national economy important pillar industry of historic leap.This article obtains from the nanjing electronic information industry development present situation, in the analysis of the electronic information industry de


    论文总字数:12128字摘 要关键词:马士达,篆刻边款,印学思想Abstract:"First national seal cutting filling comparison" won the first prize in 1983, laid the ma in the seal cutting position. As a contemporary famous seal cutting, mustad forceful zhengda, grainy nature of the wind reached both carved cut both return against the high realm of fc, already widely recognized printing of the altar. But rather than printed exterior design of seal cutting BianKuan wind did not get enough attention in the industry. His seal cutting BianKuan prospective with the knife, natural, true spirit. Change since the Ming and qing dynasties neat habits of gentle and lovely. Rich in content, carries the YinXue thought highly aesthetic value and academic value. Its free to live, nature is the ancient aesthetic ideas of contemporary seal cutting creation.Keywords:Mustad, seal cutting BianKuan, YinXue ideas目 录 1绪论 …………………………………………………


    论文总字数:26874字摘 要作为东西方园林艺术的代表,中国与法国的园林都经过了长久的发展,产生了许多不同的艺术特点。而皇家园林作为直接为皇帝服务的风景园林,更是园林中最瑰丽的代表。园林作为一种空间艺术,其特点的不同也是中法文化差异的一个重要表现方面。因而本文抽取几个比较经典的中法园林,比较其在结构、线性和艺术特点等方面的异同。中法两国的园林体现了两国不同的造园理念,因而对于中法园林的比较及交流既能促进两国的文化交流也能使两国人民更加了解园林文化。关键词:皇家园林;法国园林;凡尔赛宫园林Table des matières1. Introduction 12. Jardins Impériaux en Chine 12.1 Développement des jardins impériaux en Chine 12.2 Caractéristiques des jardins chinois 23. Jardins Royaux en France 33.1 Développement des jardins royaux en France 33.2 Caractéristiques des jardin


    论文总字数:8597字摘 要当前,大学生的信仰危机表现为信仰的多元化、多变性、非理性化、非科学化、世俗化等,导致大学生信仰危机存在的原因有主观、客观两方面,价值取向的功利化、多元化、社会现实与信仰的脱节、西方价值思想的渗透是其重要的致因。解决危机的要务在于:加强信仰引导,提高大学生的理论素养,注意体验式情感教育等。关键词:信仰;信仰危机;认知方式On the Problems of the Faith Crisis of the Contemporary College StudentsLiu Wen zhang(School of Marxism Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223300)Abstract: At present, the college of the belief crisis of diversification, variability, non-scientific,rational, etc, cause students secularization the reason of the existence of the belief crisis is subjective and objective aspects, the value orientation of utilitarian, diversified, and the social reality and the separation


    论文总字数:9367字摘 要中国共产党始终把为人类作出更新更大的贡献作为自己的使命。面对充满希望充满挑战的当今世界,习近平总书记提出了构建人类命运共同体的重要理念,提出了构建持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清净美丽的新世界的理论。这一价值理念更是一种全球价值观,有力地指导了新时代中国的外交工作,对于构建更加公正公平的合理国际政治经济新秩序也同样具有重大的推动作用。关键词:人类命运共同体;价值观;中国外交;新型国际关系The Chinese Significance and the World Significance of Constructing the Community of the Future of MankindZhouzhou(Huaiyin Normal University,Marx school , Jiangsu Huai"an 223300)Abstract: people of the Communist Party of China have always made it their mission to make new and greater contributions to mankind. In the face of a world full of hope and challenges, Gene


    论文总字数:8235字摘 要大学生肩负着建设祖国的重任,因此培育大学生的公共精神,不断净化其精神境界,提高思想觉悟,是弘扬中华民族精神、构建和谐社会和提升大学生的自身修养的必然要求。培育大学生的公共精神就要自下而上,从大学生的自制自律、学校的道德引导和政府的职能转变等,三方合力多管齐下。关键词:大学生;公共精神;培育On the cultivation of college students " public spiritNI Bo-hua(School of Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu, 223300)Abstract: Building the harmonious society should pay special attention to cultivating the public spirit. So it is vitally necessary for the college students to cultivate public spirit ,purify their spiritual realm constantly ,improve ideological awareness and make the public spirit permeate into the behavior and thinking of college students .It is necessary to culti


    论文总字数:9237字摘 要大学生就业难是现今非常热的一个话题,且女大学生就业难也成为当今社会突出的关注点。尽管女性在教育水平和劳动生产率方面不断提高,但在就业过程中,女大学生仍然不可避免的遭遇着不公平待遇.随着我国大学扩招政策的不断贯彻,劳动力市场上的供求矛盾日益显现,给女大学生的就业带来了更多的压力。女大学生就业受社会、自身、经济等多种因素的影响,解决女大学生就业难是系统的社会工程,应形成社会配置、女大学生自身成熟、经济稳步向前的体系等,来解决这一难题。关键词:女大学生;就业难;原因;对策The cause of the female college students difficult employment problem and countermeasure analysisPang Fanghong(Huaiyin Normal University institute of Wen Tong ,Jiangsu Huaian, 223001)Abstract: The difficult employment of college students is a very hot topic nowadays, and



