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 2020-05-25 23:39:04  

摘 要



关键词:技术联盟 联盟治理 治理模式 案例分析

The Case Study of Governance Models of International Technology Alliance


In modern society, the competition between enterprises is increasingly intensive. In order to be grounded on the market, enterprises must have a certain ability of innovation. However, the costs and risks arising from innovation is an important factor that every company should take into consideration. Moreover, not every company is able to bear it. In this case, the technology alliance arises at the historic moment and the technology alliance governance mode also tends to be diversified. Thus, it is very important to study on the classification of different governance mode.

This article makes summary of existing literature and research so that the development status of technology alliance and different governance models can be summarized and classified. It studies on the features of the different types of governance mode and comparatively analyzes them from two viewpoints of consumption competitiveness and benefit exclusiveness. Then this article selects two types of governance mode of the typical case of technology alliance and uses the research method proposed in this paper to analyze and classify them so as to verify the previous point of view. Finally, it will summarize the full text and put forward some conclusions and enlightenment of governance mode.

Key Words:Technology alliance;Strategic alliance; Alliance governance;Governance models; Case study

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.2.1技术联盟的内涵 1

1.2.2关于联盟治理的研究 2

1.2.3治理模式研究 2

1.3研究的目的和意义 3

1.4研究的内容和方法 3

第二章 技术联盟治理模式分类 4

2.1按投资主体分类 4

2.2按组织形式分类 4

2.3综合分类 5

第三章 技术联盟治理模式类型分析 6

3.1公共型治理模式 6

3.2私有型治理模式 6

3.3网络型治理模式 7

3.4混合型治理模式 8

第四章 国际技术联盟治理模式案例 9

4.1超大规模集成电路技术研究联盟(VLSI)案例 9

4.1.1联盟简介 9

4.1.2治理模式分析 10

4.2欧洲空中客车(Air Bus)产业技术联盟案例 11

4.2.1联盟简介 11

4.2.2治理模式分析 12

第五章 结论和启示 14

5.1结论 14

5.2启示 14

结束语 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪论







陈佳(2011)提出,随着科学技术的快速发展、技术与市场的复杂性、不确定性不断提高, 技术创新呈现出周期长、风险高、任务复杂的特征。这些因素使得企业更倾向于集中发展产业链上的某一具体环节,从而催生了技术联盟。

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