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 2020-05-26 20:47:47  

摘 要






关键词 :有限元技术;压痕法;力学性能:无损检测;机械性能


With the rapid development of technology, people have made significant progress in the testing ability of industrial equipment. At present, in particular, the safety of the equipment being engaged in industrial production has been mentioned in a new height. which is a new method of nondestructive testing. This detection method is currently the focus of the research of non destructive testing experts and scholars at home and abroad.

In this paper, the principle of continuous ball indentation test is introduced in this paper. Through the simulation experiments, the method is studied systematically from theory to practice. Continuous ball indentation test method has many advantages, such as: very simple, fast, almost no damage, no need for sampling can be very accurate detection of the mechanical properties of the equipment. This is the way the industry has been popular reasons.

Continuous ball indentation method is through repeated loading and unloading, and to achieve the continuous indentation of, in the loading and unloading at the same time record test in the process of load and indentation depth and the load and depth records, and draw into indentation curves load displacement curve. After deriving the relationship and conventional tensile test is a measure of the actual stress strain curve, through the analysis and research of the two curves, so as to get the automated ball indentation test on the material test really should force - true plastic strain curve determination. The mechanical properties, such as elastic modulus, yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of the equipment can be measured by the continuous ball indentation test, and the relevant empirical formula is obtained.

In this experiment and derivation, the main application of the simulation of ball indentation test with simulation function of the software, ABAQUS, finite element technology of loading and unloading process, record and plot the data, and carries on the analysis and calculation, draw more conducive to the observation of the image and animation, through comparison of simulation experiment and traditional technology. Finally, we prove that the application of the finite element method is smaller than the

traditional method of error, data is more accurate.

Finally, it is concluded that the data similarity is very high, Therefore, the continuous ball indentation method can be used to replace the conventional test method to analyze the mechanical performance of the equipment, and the error is smaller. It can be seen that the method not only has very important research significance but also has a very high engineering value.

Key words: finite element technology; indentation method; mechanical properties; nondestructive testing; mechanical properties.


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 2

1.1选题背景 2

1.2压痕法 3

1.3意义与优点 4

1.4国内外发展状况 4

1.4.1.国外发展状况: 4

1.4.2.国内发展状况: 5

1.5本文研究内容 6

第二章 球压痕试验原理 7

2.1引言 7

2.2真应力-真塑性应变曲线的关联 8

2.2.1 应力应变关系的简化模型 8

2.2.2 关联真应力-真塑性应变曲线的经验方程 8

2.3材料屈服强度与工程极限拉伸强度的关系 11

2.3.1 测试屈服强度 11

2.3.2 计算工程极限拉伸强度 12

2.4计算强度系数K和应变硬化指数n 12

2.5本章小结 13

第三章 通过有限元模拟连续压痕法 14

3.1引言 14

3.2 ABAQUS 简介 14

3.3 球压痕法作用于Q345R的有限元模型 16

3.4 通过有限元分析Q345R性能的结果 18

3.5本章小结 19

第四章 通过模拟计算进行确定材料的相关性能 20

4.1弹性模量E的获取 20

4.1.1 Oliver-Pharr方法 20

4.1.2 的获取 22

4.1.3 计算E的方法 24

4.2 应力应变值的获取 24

4.2.1 应变值的获取 24

4.2.2 应力值的获取 26

4.3 应变硬化系数K和应变硬化指数n的获取 29

4.4屈服强度的获取 29

4.5工程极限拉伸强度的获取 29

4.6球压痕法结果与常规试验结果对比 30

第五章 结论与展望 31

参考文献 32

第一章 绪论


目前,对材料拉伸性能的检测与评估,主要都是用单轴拉伸试验来完成的,因为这种方法经过多年论证,不仅理论成熟而且测试数据也比较准确,但是唯一不足的是它对检测设备具一定的破坏性,是不能对正在服役的设备与部件进行评估的。机械检测和无损检测两种检测材料设备残余应力的方法:机械测量法主要是把存在残余应力的部件经过割的方法,释放材料内部应力,测量材料的应变值,之后求出材料的残余应力。这种检测方法测量出的结果精度比较高,并且理论也比较完善,但是它最大的缺点是对部件具有一定不可逆的破坏性【1】。另一种方法——无损检测法,如超声法、X-射线法、中子衍射法等。此类方法主要的特点是;对于设备和部件没有破坏性,但是测量成本一般都比较高,而且测量出的数据误差比较大 。对于在役期间设备机械性能的检测,采用传统的方法不是具有不可逆的破坏性,就是测量的数据误差比较大。因此采用传统方法,对在役设备机械性能进行评估,无法非常精准的评估出设备的剩余寿命及其老化程度。








图1.1 自动求压痕实验所获得的载荷深度曲线



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