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 2020-05-28 06:59:32  

摘 要


关键词:结晶釜 工艺计算 结构设计 强度校核

Equipment Design of Crystallization Kettle


Crystallization kettle is widely used in the field of national economy and industrial production. It is the common mixed-reaction equipment in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, and its function involves material mixing, heating, cooling, mixing and other processes. Thus, crystallization kettle plays an important role in the production processes of many industries, and its performance directly affects the energy using situation of industrial production. Through consulting the domestic and overseas journals, magazines and other literature, this paper summarizes the structure design methods and the domestic and overseas research progress of crystallization kettles. According to the process conditions, the process structures of crystallization kettles are confirmed, while the dimension parameters and partial structure models required in process calculation are confirmed based on the national standards GB150-2011, NB/T47008-2010. Finally, strength checking for cylinder and strength calculating for each element are made. Through a series of study and practice of the design process, structures of crystallization kettle are understood, calculation of cylinder and methods of strength checking are mastered, and correct structures meeting the technological requirements are designed.

Key words: Crystallization kettle, Process calculation, Structural design, Strength check


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1结晶釜的结构 1

1.2本次设计内容 2

第二章 结晶釜新型搅拌器研究 3

2.1新型大双叶片搅拌器 3

2.1.1搅拌器结构 3

2.1.2性能优势 3

2.1.3性能影响因素分析 4

2.1.4 新型搅拌器与其它搅拌器的性能比较 4

2.2新型内外组合搅拌器 5

2.2.1搅拌器的结构及特点 5

2.2.2流场计算分析 6

2.3新型搅拌器的前景与发展 8

第三章 结晶釜的结构设计计算 10

3.1设计条件 10

3.1.1结晶釜设计数据 10

3.2筒体和夹套的结构设计 11

3.2.1圆筒几何尺寸计算 11

3.2.2夹套几何尺寸计算 13

3.3结晶釜的强度计算及校核 14

3.3.1圆筒强度校核 14

3.3.2圆筒上封头强度计算及校核(受内压) 16

3.3.3圆筒下封头强度计算及校核(受内、外压) 17

3.3.4夹套筒体强度计算及校核 20

3.3.5夹套封头强度计算及校核 21

3.4开孔补强计算 22

3.4.1接管A1 22

3.4.2接管N4 23

3.4.3接管N1/2/3/5/9/10 24

3.4.4接管N6/P1/P2 25

3.4.5接管N7/T2A/B/C 25

3.4.6接管L1/L7 26

3.4.7接管N11 27

3.4.8接管N12 27

3.4.9接管N13 28

结语及致谢 30

参考文献 31

第一章 引言





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