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 2020-06-09 22:35:24  

摘 要




关键词:金融中心 金融集聚力 金融辐射力 金融生态环境 CDI中国金融中心指数

Research on the conditions and countermeasures of constructing China’s regional financial centers


Economic and financial is a complementary relationship, on the one hand the developed economy will promote the development of financial activities, on the other hand, financial activities will also promote the development of regional economy. Finance is the core of the modern economy. It is an indispensable part of the developed economy. Throughout the developed areas at home and abroad, financial activities have made great contributions to the GDP of the regional economy. Therefore, in the late 20th century, building a regional financial center has become an important goal in various regions.

This paper first selects two successful foreign regional financial centers (Chicago and Edinburgh), sums up the common conditions in the formation of the two regions and combines the actual situation in China, summed up the location conditions for the construction of regional financial center is a natural factor, the level of development of the industry is the fundamental condition for the construction of regional financial center and the government's support and guidance is a powerful factor to promote the formation of regional financial center. Secondly, from the perspective of financial agglomeration and financial radiation, the paper chooses the different indexes of different cities to reflect the strength of financial cohesion and financial radiation. According to the order of ranking, it is concluded that the construction of regional financial centers in China not only have a unique geographical location, developed financial level, but also have a high-quality financial personnel and a sufficient number of financial institutions, but also have a suitable financial system as a support, with these conditions to ensure the formation of a regional financial center As well as the future sustainable development; Finally, according to the reality of the current situation in China to build regional financial centers need to overcome the lack of financial resources, financial system supply and other issues, in order to build a regional financial center will overcome these difficulties, the paper presents raise the rate of financial resources to strengthen the government to guide and improve the financial environment and other relevant policy recommendations.

In the empirical analysis, the data between 2011 and 2015 are selected as the research object, and the time span is relatively long. In addition, 3 to 5 cities are selected as the research in the city's index analysis. Object, sample range is small. Therefore, in the future research to increase the scope of research indicators, to extend the time span will be my future focus on research.

Key words: regional financial center; financial agglomeration; financial radiation; financial ecological environment; CDI ·CFCI


摘要 I


第一章 区域性金融中心的文献综述 1

1.1区域性金融中心的内涵 1

1.2 区域性金融中心的特征与功能 1

1.3 构建区域性金融中心的评价指标体系 1

第二章 我国区域性金融中心的形成条件 3

2.1 从金融集聚力方面分析区域金融中心的形成条件 3

2.1.1 地理位置 3

2.1.2 金融业整体发展水平 4

2.1.3 金融从业人员的数量 6

2.2 从空间辐射力方面分析区域金融中心的形条件 7

2.2.1 金融资源 8

2.2.2 金融制度 10

2.2.3 金融机构 11

第三章 国外成功的区域金融中心的建设经验借鉴 14

3.1 以芝加哥和爱丁堡为例 14

3.1.1 芝加哥——农产业基础上发展起来的金融中心 14

3.1.2 爱丁堡——基金业基础上发展起来的金融中心 14

3.2 形成区域性金融中心的条件要素 15

3.2.1 区位优势与基础设施 15

3.2.2 政府支持与引导 15

3.2.3 金融发展水平与金融机构数量 16

第四章 构建区域性金融中心的问题 17

4.1 总部经济水平低,金融资源缺乏 17

4.2 金融制度供给不足 17

4.2.1 财政规模小 17

4.2.3 金融法律制度不成熟 18

4.3 尖端从业人才短缺,金融创新能力低下 18

4.3.1 尖端从业人才短缺 18

4.3.2 金融创新能力低下 19

4.3.3 金融信息化普及率不高 19

第五章 对策与建议 20

5.1 提高总部经济环境 20

5.2完善金融体系,促进金融创新 20

5.3加强金融人才队伍的建设 20

5.4 加强政府导向作用 20

5.5 营造健康的金融生态环境 21

第六章 结论 22

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第一章 区域性金融中心的文献综述



1.2 区域性金融中心的特征与功能


张杰(2009)提出,区域性金融中心的功能主要体现在以下方面: 第一,把区域内的社会储蓄转化为资本,为促进区域经济发展提供资金上的支撑; 第二,通过对信息的收集和整理,促进资源的有效配置,提高经济效率; 第三,努力降低区域内的风险,加强对风险的控制,帮助经济主体实现最大化利益。

1.3 构建区域性金融中心的评价指标体系

在国外的研究中,比较具有权威性的指标就是全球金融中心指数,即GFCI(Global Financial Center Index),该指数是伦敦金融中心在2007年发布的,具体的方法是根据评分模型的评价结果得出各个金融中心的排名,该分析结果是由两个方面组成,一是代表城市特征的五大类指标(人才环境、商业环境、市场发展度、基础设施和城市综合竞争力);二是通过网站和报刊的统计数据为主。

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