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 2020-06-17 21:45:43  

摘 要





关键词:热源 空气源热泵热水器 设计 低位热源

The Design of 28kW Air Source Heat Pump Water Heater


With the rapid development of the economy in the 21st century, the demand for energy will increase.It is becoming increasingly important for energy to be fully utilized for heat pump technology.Heat pump technology is a low-grade heat source can be transferred through the power of work into a high-grade heat source, and then can be used by humans and play a role in saving energy.

Air source heat pump water heater is the use of air environment status of the heat source, and continue to change the status of air heat into the heat of water for human use.This article is for air source heat pump water heater design.

This paper describes the use of heat pumps, and its scope of application and the prospects of heat pump. At the same time will also introduce the principle and characteristics of heat pump, and its energy-saving features to be studied.The most important structure of the heat pump is the evaporator and the condenser. They are all heat exchangers. We will also calculate and study the heat exchangers according to the design and requirements.

In the air source heat pump water heater design of the most important when the heat calculation.After that we have to calculate the structure of the evaporator and the condenser.In this paper, the evaporator is used in a plate heat exchanger and it need to check the temperature of the evaporator wall,the casing used in the condenser, to determine the size and number of casing.In this article also need to select the specifications of the fan, compressor and water tank .

Key words:Heat source Air source heat pump water heater Design Low heat source

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 热水器的发展史 2

1.4 什么是空气源热泵热水器 2

1.5 国内外研究成果与现状 3

1.6 结束语 5

第二章 8匹空气源热泵热水器的设计 6

2.1 原始设计参数 6

2.2 循环过程状态参数 7

2.3 热力性能指标计算 8

2.4 压缩机的选型 9

2.4.1 压缩机的选择 9

2.4.2 技术参数 10

2.5 蒸发器的设计计算 11

2.5.1 选定蒸发器的结构参数 11

2.5.2 几何和结构参数计算 12

2.5.3 蒸发器热力计算 13

2.5.4 计算空气侧干表面传热系数 14

2.5.5 确定空气在蒸发器内的状态变化过程 15

2.5.6 循环空气计算量 15

2.5.7空气侧当量表面传热系数计算 16

2.5.8 R134a在to=5℃是的物性 16

2.5.9 管内R134a蒸发时传热系数的计算 17

2.5.10 传热温差初步计算 19

2.5.11 蒸发器结构尺寸的确定 19

2.6 冷凝器的设计 21

2.6.1 有关参数的选择及计算 21

2.6.2 确定管内根数 22

2.6.3 传热计算 23

2.6.4 冷凝器整体结构 24

第三章 其他部件的选择 25

3.1 节流装置的选择 25

3.2 风机的选择风机参数 26

3.3 水箱的选择 27

第四章 结论与反思 28

参考文献: 29

致谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景


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