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 2020-06-21 19:51:34  

摘 要



关键词:风电机组 主传动系统 风电齿轮箱 设计

Design of main drive system of 2WM wind turbine


Wind energy is an important renewable resource, China's vast land area, rich in wind energy resources.Beginning in 2006, China implemented the "Renewable Energy Law" to encourage the use of renewable energy in the form of law, the implementation of the wind power industry, a variety of incentives and incentives. By the end of 2011, China's wind power installed capacity rose to nearly 62.36 million KW, far more than expected, ranked first in the world.

The development of the wind power industry is inseparable from the design and development of the wind turbine, the design of the main drive system of the wind turbine has been occupying an important position in the whole R amp; D design. The design is mainly for 2MW wind turbine main drive system design, including the spindle, speed gear box, generators and so on. In this paper, the process of design of the main drive system of 2MW wind turbine and the corresponding narration was mainly elaborated.In the first chapter, the main significance of the research on the main drive system of wind power, especially the gear box was studied. In the second chapter the design idea, including the setting of the rated speed of the wind turbine and the choice of the generator was analyzed. In the third chapter ,the design of the gearbox in the main drive system of the wind turbine was described in detail, including the selection of the gear material, the gear parameters of each stage, the size of the shaft and the selection and structure of the box. The fourth chapter mainly focused on the main drive system of the other connection structure was designed, including the spindle bearing and bearing, spindle coupling, elastic shock absorber, output shaft coupling and brake discs and so on.

Key Words: Wind turbine; Main drive system; Wind turbine gear box; Design

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1国内外风力发电研究综述 1

1.2本课题研究的意义 1

1.3目前产品存在的问题 1

1.4设计要求 2

第二章 2MW风电机主传动系统的总体方案 3

2.1 风电机的分类 3

2.2 大型兆瓦级风电机组主传动系统的主要形式 4

2.3 设计思路 5

2.4 发电机的选择 5

2.5 齿轮箱在风电机主传动系统中的布置形式 6

2.6 2MW风电机组主传动系统总体方案的确定 7

2.7 本章小结 8

第三章 2WM风电机组传动系统中齿轮箱的设计 9

3.1齿轮箱的选择 9

3.2确定传动发案 9

3.3齿轮传动的设计 10

3.3.1传动比的分配 10

3.3.2齿轮材料的选择 10

3.3.3配齿计算 11

3.3.4齿轮传动参数计算 13

3.4各级齿轮传动的结构设计 21

3.4.1行星齿轮的结构设计 21

3.4.2平行轴齿轮传动结构设计 22

3.5轴传动的设计与强度校核 23

3.5.1各级齿轮传动轴结构分析 23

3.5.2平行轴级高速轴的设计 23

3.5.3各轴最小直径的确定及轴上轴承的选用 24

3.6箱体结构设计 25

3.6.1箱体结构的设计 25

3.6.2箱体尺寸的确定 27

3.7箱体附件的选择 27

第四章 风电机组主传动系统中其他部件的设计与选用 31

4.1主轴轴承以及轴承座 31

4.2主轴联轴器 31

4.3弹性减震器 33

4.4输出轴联轴器与制动器 33

第五章 总结 34

参考文献 35

致谢 36

第一章 引言








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