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 2020-06-21 19:51:37  

摘 要



关键词:降膜蒸发器 双级 果汁 结构设计


Falling film evaporator is a kind of important unit operating equipment. Compared with other types of evaporators, the continuous access to material, the evaporation speed, the material in the evaporator residence time is short, it minimizes the loss of beneficial elements in the raw material, so falling film evaporator is widely used in milk, fruit juices, egg milk , beverages, medical care and coffee products. Falling film evaporation system can be used as multi-effect evaporation, making the secondary steam to be the heating energy, energy saving effect is very impressive, in the actual production and use has a very good economic benefits.

In this paper, a set of double - effect fruit juice concentrate with falling capacity of 96,000 tons was designed. The working principle, technological process and main design steps are summarized. According to the calculation results of the process, the specifications and arrangement of the heat transfer tubes were determined. The specifications of the heat transfer tubes were 6 meters long, 50 mm in inner diameter and 1.5 mm in wall thickness. The parameters of the heat transfer tubes were determined according to the calculation results of the juice at different temperatures and different concentrations. stainless steel pipe. The heat transfer area of the one-effect and the second-effect evaporator was 97.6m2 and 97.2m2 respectively, and the disc distributor was used as the cloth distributor. Designed a tube condenser used to recover excess water vapor, and ultimately the formation of recyclable system, and draw the system flow chart. And then by the SW6-2011 check, draw the design calculation book, with CAD2010 to draw one of the evaporator, the assembly of the assembly and the distribution of the film, tube, rod and other parts and components, and finally the economic benefits evaluation.

Key words: Falling film evaporator Two–stage Fruit juice Structural design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 降膜式蒸发器的基本结构 1

1.3 国内外研究现状和发展情况 2

1.4 课题的设计内容 3

第二章 工艺流程设计 4

2.1 料液的物性参数 4

2.2 降膜式蒸发器的工艺简介 5

2.2.1 降膜式蒸发器的工作原理 5

2.2.2 降膜式蒸发器的主要设计流程 5

2.2.3 降膜式蒸发器工艺流程简介 5

2.3 降膜式蒸发器的工艺计算 6

2.3.1 设计初始条件 6

2.3.2 热量平衡和物料平衡 7

2.3.3 效数的确定 7

2.3.4 有效温差的确定 8

2.3.5 加热蒸汽量的确定 8

2.3.6 各效温度差的分配 8

2.3.7 数值的校正 9

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 结构设计及强度校核 10

3.1 降膜式蒸发器的换热管设计 10

3.2 降膜式蒸发器的器体设计 10

3.3 料液分布器的设计 10

3.4 壳程结构的设计 11

3.5 强度校核 13

3.5.1 选材校核 13

3.5.2 压力与应力校核 13

3.5.3 封头最小厚度校核 13

3.5.4 换热管校核 13

3.6 分离器的设计 14

3.7 冷凝器的设计 15

3.8 本章小结 15

第四章 经济效益 17

4.1双级降膜式蒸发系统装置的投资估算 17

4.1.1单元设备价格的估算 17

4.1.2总的投资估算 17

4.2总的成本费用估算分析 18

4.2.1原料液的外购 18

4.2.2燃料的外购 18

4.2.3电力的消耗 18

4.2.4工人薪水福利 18

4.2.5固定资产的折旧费用 18

4.2.6杂费 19

4.2.7纳税 19

4.3盈利能力分析 19

4.4盈亏平衡的分析 19

4.5 本章小结 20

第五章 总结与展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

附录 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景


r=607-0.708t (1-1)

式中 r——水的蒸发潜热,kcal/kg;




1.2 降膜式蒸发器的基本结构


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