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 2020-08-20 20:03:04  

摘 要





The internet-crowdfunding,a new investment and financing transaction,which is populated by the crowd to achieve reasonable and efficient matching funding.In the era of "public entrepreneurship and innovation",both the problems of financing small and micro enterprises have been solved,and the channels of public investment have been enriched.Profoundly embodies the financial"Pratt amp; Whitney"concept.This paper is divided into six chapters:

The first chapter is the introduction,first elaborated the purpose and significance of this paper,and then analyzes the current situation of research at home and abroad,and draws the conclusion that the development of our country is relatively lagging behind abroad.Finally, the purpose of this study is to find the appropriate location for Chinese-style Crowdfunding in the Chinese Internet environment,and to illustrate the design and measures adopted.The second chapter is the connotation and theoretical analysis of all the chips. It mainly introduces the connotation,constituent elements and operation principle of the crowdfunding system from the inside,and analyzes the relevant economic theories in the field.The third chapter is the analysis of the development process and current situation of the Internet crowdfunding. Through the investigation and analysis of the data, it clarifies the development course and makes a certain degree of understanding of the present situation of the development of the Chinese Crowdfunding. Although the Chinese Crowdfunding started late, but the pace of development has been catching up with developed countries such as the Europe and America.The fourth chapter is the typical model and application analysis of the Internet-crowdfunding in China.It mainly introduces four typical models of the Chinese crowdfunding and takes the case analysis method,and elaborates their respective financing modes and how to use them in real life.The fifth chapter is the development of the Internet Crowdfunding in China.Combining with the development of our country, it is pointed out that the Chinese people are faced with such problems as lack of risk consciousness, lack of innovation of operation mode and immaturity of policy and legal environment.Chapter 6 is the conclusion and suggestion, that is,on the basis of the previous summary and outlook.Although there are many problems in the development of our industry,it does not stop the pace of its progress.I put forward their own policy recommendations on these issues,hope that all parties involved in the development of a good industry to create a good contribution to their own strength.At the same time, also look forward to the relevant government departments to give enough attention to the field, to promote the relevant industry standards and laws and regulations. Expectation in the national credit system construction and gradually develop the environment, China's industry will usher in a better development.

Key word:Internet-Finance、Crowdfunding、Risk、Method


第1章 绪论 1

1.1目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状分析 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3研究(设计)的目标 2

1.4研究(设计)采用的技术方案及措施 2

第2章 众筹的内涵与理论分析 4

2.1众筹的内涵 4

2.1.1众包的定义 4

2.1.2众筹的定义 4

2.1.3众包与众筹的区别与联系 4

2.2众筹的组成要素及运作原理 5

2.2.1众筹的组成要素 5

2.2.2众筹的运作原理 6

2.3众筹的特点 7

2.3.1交易成本低 7

2.3.2参与主体激励性强 7

2.3.3报酬形式多样化 7

2.3.4风险与规模相对较小 7

2.4众筹的相关理论 8

2.4.1委托代理理论 8

2.4.2制度经济学理论 8

第3章 互联网众筹的发展历程与现状分析 9

3.1众筹的历史溯源 9

3.1.1荷兰东印度公司的成立 9

3.1.2美国战争债券的发行 9

3.1.3自由女神像的建造 10

3.2互联网众筹的发展历程 10

3.2.1众筹的萌芽期 10

3.2.2众筹的发展期 11

3.3中国众筹的发展历程与现状分析 12

3.3.1中国互联网众筹的发展历程 12

3.3.2中国互联网众筹的发展现状 12

第4章 中国互联网众筹的典型模式及案例分析 14

4.1股权式众筹---以《大圣归来》为例 14

4.1.1股权式众筹概述 14

4.1.2案例:《西游记之大圣归来》 14

4.2债权式众筹---以优易网为例 15

4.2.1债权式众筹概述 15

4.2.2案例:优易网案 15

4.3奖励式众筹---以“爱情保险”项目为例 15

4.3.1奖励式众筹概述 15

4.3.2案例:“爱情保险” 16

4.4公益式众筹---以“澜沧江计划”为例 16

4.4.1公益式众筹概述 16

4.4.2案例:“澜沧江计划” 16

第5章.中国互联网众筹发展中问题分析 17

5.1投资者风险意识淡薄 17

5.2众筹运作模式创新不足 17

5.3众筹诚信机制不健全 17

5.4政策法律环境不成熟 18

第6章 结论与建议 19

6.1结论与展望 19

6.1.1结语 19

6.1.2展望 19

6.2政策建议 19

6.2.1积极推行创新信息技术运用,激发创新活力 19

6.2.2完善征信体系建设,改善国内信用环境 20

6.2.3健全监管体系,树立行业自律 20

6.2.4加强对互联网金融的宣传与教育,提高参与人的风险意识 20

参考文献: 21

致谢 22

第1章 绪论



众筹,这种近年来兴起的投融资方式,顺应“互联网 ”时代大融合、大变革趋势,借助互联网应用创新的综合优势,正在大众创业、万众创新的大道上积极地实践着,充分激发市场主体和广大人民群众的创新创业活力。但是,目前,众筹行业在我国尚属于起步阶段,政策法律环境不成熟、众筹运作模式创新不足、行业诚信机制不健全、政府监管不到位,各众筹参与人均面临较大风险且难以得到有效保障,众筹行业的进一步发展着面临巨大的阻碍。




“众包”一词最早由美国记者杰夫·豪(2006)年提出,是指企业在生产或销售产品时将某一具体任务通过网络以公开的方式外包给大众,其核心理念是“用集体的智慧或理念来创造效益” [1]

Rubinton(2011)认为众筹丰富了众包的外延[2]。小微企业刚成立之初,融资十分困难,融资需求与有效的信息可能是不对称的(Cosheta1,2009)。但是随着互联网众筹的兴起与发展,初创企业对传统投资的依赖已不那么明显,(Kleemanneta1,2008;Lambert amp; Schwienbacher,2010) [3],这些投资者的来源都是公众(the crowd)。这种以互联网为平台,利用相对贡献较小的个体们(the crowd)直接为初创企业或特定项目募集资金的方式就是“众筹”(Belleflamme,Lambert, amp; Schwienbacher, 2014; Mollick, 2014) [4]

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