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 2021-02-24 10:33:36  

摘 要



关键词:人民币汇率;物价水平;一元回归; 多元回归


After the collapse of the Bretton woods system, economists began to pay attention to capital flows in international financial markets and the volatility of exchange rates, and they study the way in which foreign exchange rates affect domestic prices as the main subject. In the 21st century, the trade and exchange rate between countries is frequent, exchange rate has become one of the crucial economic indicators. From 2000, since China has joined the WTO, the record of total foreign trade is being high, the exchange rate as the ratio of two currencies between countries, its volatility will have a profound impact on the people's life, as well as the steady and healthy development of the economy, since it will not only affect the international investment strategies and management of enterprises, but also the business operation strategy of domestic and foreign financial institutions. In the early 21st century, becuase of the rapid development of information technology, credit economy and symbol economy, the world economy, financial integration and the gradual process of Chinese currency’s exchange rate being marketization, an appropriate exchange rate policy starts to play a more and more important role in stabilizing the national economic, it also become an important economic indicator of country’s macroeconomic situation. The exchange rate can affect the price of the domestic currency and then affect the amount of import and export of a country, so in the worldwide, many countries often use exchange rate policy as a tool to let the current account, capital account and official reserve account stay stabilized.

Therefore, this paper studies the data of the changes of the RMB exchange rate and domestic prices from 2001 to 2016, as well as the relationship between the two, hoping to correctly analyze the impact of exchange rate volatility on the economy, especially for the domestic price level.

Keywords: Exchange rate; Price level; Simple regression; Multiple regression

目 录

摘 要 III

Abstract IV

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究内容及方法 4

第2章 近年人民币汇率及物价情况 5

2.1 自2005年人民币汇率制度改革的背景 5

2.2汇率制度改革后的总体影响和人民币变动趋势 5

2.3近年的人民币汇率基本状况及变化趋势 6

2.4国内物价的基本状况及变化趋势 8

第3章 汇率变动对国内物价变动的相关性分析 10

3.1一元线性回归模型 10

3.2 回归模型的检验 10

3.2.1 变量的描述性统计分析 10

3.2.2显著性检验(t检验与F检验) 12

3.3回归模型预测与修正的必要性 13

第4章 引入其他变量的回归分析 14

4.1多变量数据描述及模型描述 14

4.3计量分析 15

4.3.1双变量VAR模型 16

4.3.2多变量VAR模型 21

第5章 结论和政策建议 24

5.1结论 24

5.2政策建议 24

5.2.1继续加强汇率制度的改革 24

5.2.2完善外汇市场 25

5.2.3管理央行货币量发行 25

致谢词 26

参考文献 27






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