2021-02-25 13:08:05
摘 要
With the rapid growth of China's economy and the changes in the demand and concept of automobile consumption, the importance of automobile finance leasing industry has become increasingly prominent. However, due to the imperfection of the financial leasing system and the spontaneous malpractice of automobile consumption, Financial leasing in China's development process is facing obstacles, the construction of its system and the implementation of policies need to be improved.
Firstly, this paper analyzes the general situation of finance leasing and automobile finance leasing, and analyzes the present situation of automobile finance leasing in China from various aspects. Combined with the principle, mode of operation and the development of the status quo, found the current auto financing leasing problems encountered. And then through the analysis of the significance of the development of automobile finance leasing, pointing out the relationship between the supply side structural reform and the development of automobile finance leasing in the "135 " plan. Finally, from the perspective of laws and regulations, fiscal and taxation policies, regulatory system, corporate financing channels and social credit system construction, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to develop automobile finance leasing industry to promote the development of automobile finance leasing industry.
In addition, this paper not only analyzes the general principle of financial leasing, the current situation of operating mode, and more in the case of automobile finance leasing as an example, from the principles of automobile finance leasing, operation flow, current situation and development of multiple aspects of the problem analysis , Analyzes the causes of the problems, clarifies the meaning of solving the problem, and finally puts forward the feasible and targeted countermeasures, which through the auto finance leasing section of the study more intuitive response to China's financial leasing development bottlenecks, And from the auto financing leasing problem solving solutions to solve the general financing leasing industry development problems of the countermeasures, the overall use of analogy of the method, the macro and micro, the whole and part of a better combination.
Key words: Automobile finance leasing, finance leasing principle, automobile consumption financial market
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究方法与思路 1
1.3 国内外研究动态与创新点 2
1.3.1国外研究状况 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 3
1.3.3本文创新点 3
第2章 汽车融资租赁的原理 5
2.1 一般融资租赁的原理 5
2.1.1 融资租赁的定义 5
2.1.2 融资租赁的主要模式 5
2.2 汽车融资租赁的原理 6
2.2.1 汽车融资租赁的定义 6
2.2.2汽车融资租赁的主要模式 6
第3章 我国汽车融资租赁发展现状与问题 8
3.1汽车融资租赁发展的现状 8
3.2 融资租赁企业自身的问题 8
3.2.1融资租赁企业融资困难 8
3.2.2企业融资租赁观念落后 9
3.2.3融资租赁欠租问题严重 9
3.3缺乏财税政策的支持 9
3.3.1融资租赁企业税收负担增加 9
3.3.2会计准则划分标准不明确 10
3.3.3售后回租业务出现漏洞 10
3.4法律体系监管体系有待完善 10
3.4.1法律法规的建设 10
3.4.2监管体系的弊端 11
第4章 发展汽车融资租赁的意义 12
4.1供给侧结构性改革的要求 12
4.2消费理念转变的客观需要 12
4.3汽车消费金融市场的发展 12
第5章 发展汽车融资租赁的建议 14
5.1完善汽车融资租赁的法律法规 14
5.1.1法律法规建设的依据 14
5.1.2法律体系建设的具体内容 14
5.2加大汽车融资租赁财税政策支持力度 14
5.2.1完善税收政策 14
5.2.2减轻财政负担 15
5.2.3明确会计准则 15
5.3优化汽车融资租赁的监管体系 15
5.3.1统一监管 15
5.3.2适度监管 16
5.4拓宽各融资租赁企业的融资渠道 16
5.4.1政府合理引导 16
5.4.2监管部门放宽标准 16
5.4.3信托行业加强合作 17
5.5建设完善的信用体系 17
5.5.1建立本行业信用管理制度 17
5.5.2完善社会信用体系 17
第6章 结论与展望 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
第1章 绪论