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 2021-02-27 14:24:53  

摘 要


关键词:婚姻 维吾尔族 共同财产 分割


Family is an important part of society, and husband and wife relationship is one of the most fundamental relationship between family relations, between husband and wife inevitably there are various contradictions, when the contradiction can not be resolved, it may lead to divorce. Divorce must be related to the relationship between husband and wife, wealth relationship. Wealth relations are one of the most important relationships in these relationships. How to solve the husband and wife between the division of property between husband and wife, the establishment of a harmonious society has a very important role. With the development of society, the people's living standard continue to improve, the variety and number of wealth between husband and wife continue to increase, and property disputes become more complex. This requires more specific property distribution system in our country, and clarifies the scope of husband and wife property. Uygur is the population of more people in Xinjiang, the ethnic divorce rate was significantly higher than other ethnic groups, especially in the southern region of the divorce rate is higher than other states. Compared with the rest of the nation, in the settlement of marriage disputes, the Uighurs have their own special treatment. Uighurs deal with disputes by the religious, traditional customs of the impact. This article is mainly from the husband and wife common property overview, the specific legal division method, the principle of dealing with the discussion, led to the status of judicial practice in Uygur region. This paper analyzes the causes of the judicial practice of the common property distribution in the divorce cases of the Uygur region, and confirms the positive significance of the common legal system of marriage law in our country and constructs the common property system in the Uygur region and How to improve the publication of individual opinions in the future, learn from other ethnic areas related to the system, to speed up the Uygur region to further improve the judicial, the correct solution to the relevant cases, to avoid social instability, promote social harmony and progress.

Keywords: marriage, Uygur, common property divisio

目 录

第1章 绪 论 5

1. 研究的目的和意义 5

1.1 目的和意义 5

1.2 国内外研究现状 6

2.研究内容和方法 6

2.1 研究内容 6

2.2 研究方法 6

第2章 婚姻及夫妻共同财产 7

2.1 婚姻和共同财产的概念 7

2.2夫妻共同财产的发生 8

2.3夫妻共同财产的范围 8

2.4共同财产的分配 9

第3章 我国夫妻共同财产分割的司法实践 10

3.1 我国离婚共同财产分割制度的立法现状 10

3.2 我国离婚共同财产分割的司法现状 11

3.2.1 国内其他地区的司法实践 11

3.2.2.维吾尔族地区的司法实践 11

第4章 我国夫妻共同财产分割司法实践存在的缺陷 13

4.1我国夫妻共同财产分割司法实践的缺陷 13

4.1.1我国夫妻财产共同财产制度本身存在缺陷。 13

4.1.2我国婚姻财产制度立法上存在缺陷。 13

4.1.3 共同财产分割方法上的缺陷。 14

4.2维吾尔族离婚案件中的共同财产分割司法实践存在的缺陷及原因 14

4.3完善维吾尔族离婚案件中司法实践的不足的建议 15

结束语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

第1章 绪 论

1. 研究的目的和意义

1.1 目的和意义




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