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 2021-02-28 21:37:00  

摘 要















Visual channel is the main channel for human beings to get outside things, and the image is the most intuitive form of carrying a lot of information. With the rapid development of computer technology in various fields, computer-based image recognition technology has received increasing attention and has been applied to a wider range of practical projects. As the accuracy and speed of the small image recognition in the actual project is getting higher and higher, the traditional method of identification is difficult to meet the requirements. The laser image on the bar is only observable under the microscope with high magnification optical equipment, and the corresponding production test can not be done directly. Therefore, the research of laser coding character recognition is of great significance to the production test. At present, domestic and foreign research on character recognition technology has become more mature, but the study of laser dance code characters is still relatively a little.

In this paper, we will use the characters on the laser array of the laborers as the research object of small images. The main features and coding recognition of the laser image are analyzed. The algorithm can automatically identify the tiny images on the laser array in the vs2010 development environment and opencv2. 4.9 build system test platform to test the performance of the system.

In view of the current research situation, some key technology analysis and research, mainly to solve the following aspects:

(1) how to accurately and quickly locate the segmented semiconductor laser array;

(2) how to accurately cut out each encoded character image;

(3) how to design a high recognition rate of the recognizer;

(4) planning system design and the need to achieve the function.

Therefore, in order to solve the above problems, this paper will be from the following aspects of the system design:

(1) image preprocessing: first of the collected image gray processing, and then through the airspace smoothing filter to dry the image, and finally through the histogram equalization method for image enhancement;

(2) the localization of the laser segmentation: first based on the Sobel operator edge extraction, and then binarization processing, and then use the edge point density to form a connected area, and finally according to the contour tracking algorithm to extract the contour to complete the image segmentation;

(3) character segmentation: in the horizontal and vertical direction of the edge of the binarized image projection analysis, combined with the laser highlight features, the use of the largest variance of the single-character segmentation method to complete the high precision extraction of characters;

(4) character recognition: first character feature extraction, and then through the feature template matching method for character recognition.

Key Words: Image preprocessing; image localization segmentation; character segmentation; character recognition

目 录

摘 要 III

Abstract IV

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 2

第2章 算法分析与设计 4

2.1 图像预处理 4

2.1.1 灰度化 4

2.1.2 图像去噪 4

2.1.3 图像增强 5

2.2 激光器图像分割 6

2.2.1 基于边缘检测的分割 7

2.2.2形成连通组件 8

2.2.3 外轮廓提取与分割 9

2.3 编码文字定位及字符切分 10

2.3.1 倾斜校正 10

2.3.2 编码文字定位 11

2.3.3 边缘图像二值化 11

2.3.4 水平投影 12

2.3.5 垂直投影 13

2.3.6 编码区域切分 14

2.4 字符分割 15

2.5 字符识别 15

2.5.1 模板匹配概述 15

2.5.2 特征提取 16

2.5.3 模板库的建立 17

2.5.4 字符分类识别算法 18

第3章 软件实现 19

3.1 界面设计 19

3.2 C 代码编写 20

第4章 系统功能测试与结果分析 21

4.1 系统测试 21

4.2 性能测试 22

4.3 结果分析 23

4.4 存在的不足 23

第5章 总结与展望 25

5.1 工作总结 25

5.2 工作展望 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义




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