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 2021-03-11 22:50:58  

摘 要


  1. 集装箱模型的建立:选取了一艘集装箱船的型线,然后通过Solidworks软件对船体模型进行建模,从而得到了计算模型;
  2. 船舶在波浪中复原力臂曲线以及初稳性高的计算:利用Maxsurf软件对集装箱船进行静水力计算,得到不同波浪条件下的船舶复原力臂曲线以及初稳性高;
  3. 最新的参数横摇衡准草案内容的介绍以及相关的MATLAB程序开发;
  4. 对模型进行参数横摇薄弱性衡准,并分析衡准结果,探究参数横摇发生的条件。



Stability is an important index to evaluate the ship navigation performance, and it is also one of the guarantees for the safety of ship navigation at sea. In order to ensure the stability of the ship, the International Maritime Organization issued relevant specifications to verify the stability of the ship. The stability criterion used at present is mainly based on the statics of ships, which are determined by experience. In recent years, some ship stability accidents also show that the current criterion can not adapt to the development of modern shipbuilding industry. Therefore, the International Maritime Organization began to formulate the second generation intact stability criterion, in which five kinds of stability failure modes were proposed. As one of the unique rolling phenomena, there are many rich research results in China. This article is based on the draft criteria proposed by the SDC, Sub Commission on ship construction and design in fourth SDC. The main contents are as follows:

  1. The establishment of container model: select a container ship, and obtaine the 3D calculation model through Solidworks;
  2. The calculation of righting curve and initial metacentric height of ship in waves: The container ship is calculated by using Maxsurf software, and the righting arm and initial metacentric height of ship under different wave conditions are obtained;
  3. Introduction of the draft to parametric roll stability failure mode and its MATLAB program development;
  4. Conclusions for model using vulnerability criteria for ship parametric roll, analysis of the results and investigation of the conditions of parametric roll .

Key Words:parametric rolling; Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria; Matlab programming


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 论文的研究背景和意义 1

1.2 第二代完整稳性的发展历史 1

1.3 参数横摇的研究现状 2

1.4 本文的主要研究内容 3

第2章 船舶在波浪中的复原力臂计算 4

第3章 参数横摇薄弱性衡准草案 7

3.1参数横摇第一层衡准 8

3.2 参数横摇第二层衡准 9

3.2.1 C1值的计算 10

3.2.2 C2值的计算 12

3.2.3横摇幅值的计算 14

3.2.4横摇阻尼的计算方法 17

3.2.5阻尼系数的计算 20

3.3 参数横摇直接衡准 24

第4章 程序的开发以及模型衡准计算结果 26

4.1 程序的主要内容与功能 26

4.2模型的建立 27

4.3模型船衡准结果 28

4.3.1第一层衡准计算 28

4.3.2第二层衡准C1值的计算 30

4.3. 3 复原力臂l3,l5的计算结果 32

4.3.4船舶在不同波陡的波浪条件下的GM值的计算结果 32

4.3.5横摇阻尼系数的计算结果 34

4.3.6参数横摇幅值A的计算 35

4.3.7等效波高数据计算结果 36

4.3.8横摇幅值插值计算结果 36

第5章 C11集装箱船参数横摇敏感性因素分析 39

5.1舭龙骨面积对参数横摇的影响 39

5.2重心高度对参数横摇的影响 39

第6章 结论和展望 42

6.1 结论 42

6.2 展望 42

参考文献 43

附录一 第一层衡准波浪参数的计算 1

附录二 兴波阻尼部分的计算方法 3

附录三 相关程序 4

致谢 15

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文的研究背景和意义



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