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 2021-03-11 23:21:50  

摘 要


研究结果表明:(1)V2O5原位负载CNTs复合材料在相对于传统方式制备的该复合材料在结构上的表现为CNTs的表面活性物质V2O5分布的更加的均匀,同时与CNTs的结合更加紧密。(2)在气敏性能分析上,V2O5原位负载CNTs复合材料为N型半导体,相比于传统方式制备的复合材料其对乙醇气体响应更好。同时负载20 wt% V2O5的复合材料气敏性能已经能达到最佳效果,最佳工作温度为190℃,更高的温度会对传感器结构造成破坏导致气敏性能下降。



Carbon nanotubes have a wide range of applications in the field of gas sensor because of their huge specific surface area and excellent conductivity. However, due to the shortcomings of its own structure, intrinsic carbon nanotubes only respond to several strong oxidizing and strong reducing gases. Based on this situation, scholars have tried to modify the carbon nanotubes to improve their application in the field of gas-sensing, the common way to change the surface of other substances to improve the gas-sensing performance of carbon nanotubes. However, due to the high surface activation energy of carbon nanotubes, spontaneous agglomeration tendency is difficult to disperse in the solution to combine other loads, the conventional surface load method is difficult to work. Recently, some scholars have compounded CNTs with MnOX-CeOX in this way by in situ loading, and the resulting complex exhibits good performance in denitrification. Under the inspiration of this idea, this experiment intends to modify CNTs in situ by in situ loading, and choose V2O5, which is a good gas-responsive response to ethanol gas, as a carrier to study the effect of CNTs on carbon nanotubes Sensitive performance improvement.

The results show that: (1) The composite of CNTs composites prepared by V2O5 in situ is more uniform in the structure of the surface active material V2O5 in CNTs, and more closely with CNTs. (2) In the analysis of gas-sensing performance, V2O5 in-situ loaded CNTs composites are N-type semiconductors, which are better for ethanol gas than composites prepared by traditional methods. At the same time load of 20 wt% V2O5 composite material gas sensitivity has been able to achieve the best results, the best working temperature of 190 ℃, higher temperature will damage the sensor structure led to decreased gas sensitivity.

Key words: carbon nanotubes, V2O5, in situ load,gas sensor property

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 碳纳米管气敏传感器研究现状 1

1.2.1 碳纳米管结构及气敏应用 1

1.2.2 碳纳米管修饰改性研究 2

1.3 碳纳米管负载方式、物质选择 4

1.3.1 碳纳米管负载物质选择 4

1.3.2 碳纳米管负载方式选择 5

1.4 课题研究目的和内容 6

1.4.1 研究思路和目的 6

1.4.2 研究内容 6

第2章 V2O5原位负载碳纳米管复合材料制备及表征 7

2.1 引言 7

2.2 实验仪器及试剂 7

2.2.1 实验仪器 7

2.2.2 实验试剂 8

2.3 V2O5原位负载碳纳米管复合材料制备 8

2.3.1 碳纳米管的预处理 8

2.3.2 V2O5溶胶的制备 9

2.3.3 聚苯乙烯磺酸钠辅助回流法制备V2O5原位负载CNTs 9

2.4 结构表征方法 10

2.4.1 物相分析 10

2.4.2 显微结构分析 10

2.4.3 EDS能谱分析 10

2.5 气敏性能测试方法 10

2.5.1 气敏器件的制备 10

2.5.2 气敏性能测试 11

第3章 V2O5原位负载碳纳米管复合材料结构及性能分析 12

3.1 V2O5原位负载碳纳米管复合材料结构分析 12

3.1.1 CNTs结构分析 12

3.1.2 V2O5原位负载CNTs结构分析 13

3.1.3 V2O5原位负载CNTs结构复合机理分析 15

3.2 V2O5原位负载碳纳米管复合材料气敏性能研究 15

3.2.1 负载方法对气敏性能影响 16

3.2.2 负载量对气敏性能影响 16

3.2.3 工作温度对气敏性能影响 17

第4章 结论和展望 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 23





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