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 2021-03-12 00:24:25  

摘 要






China launched the Growth Enterprises Martket board (GEM for short) in 2009,the purpose of which was to actively cope with the financial crisis, improve the capital market structure, and further expand the depth and breadth of the capital market. Compared with the listed companies on the main board, the listed companies on the GEM have a higher operating risk. In addition, manufacturing enterprises, as an important component of the GEM, play a decisive role in the economic development of our country.

Therefore, the study of capital structure concerned with manufacturing listed companies on the GEM, will optimize the capital structure of GEM listed companies, promote the sustainable development of the GEM listed companies, and have a certain reference value to the further development of China's main board, small board and three new board.

This paper firstly introduces the research status of capital structure's theory at home and abroad, then describes the features of capital structure related to manufacturing listed companies on the GEM.,and combined with the theory of capital structure, it studys the main influencing factors of capital structure about manufacturing listed companies on the GEM by empirical research . Taking financial data that manufacturing listed companies on the GEM released in 2011-2015 as the sample ,the paper uses factor analysis and multiple linear regression to empirically test how the macroeconomic factors and company characteristic factors affect the capital structure of manufacturing listed companies on the GEM, finally, according to the empirical results, this paper put forward suggestion about how to optimize capital structure of manufacturing listed companies on the GEM ,from the side of listed companies and the supervision department

The results show the negative correlation between solvency and capital structure ,while the real GDP growth rate, inflation rate, firm size, growth ability and capital structure are positively correlated to capital structure, however the nominal lending rate, profitability, operating capacity, the actual income tax rate, concentration of ownership and non debt tax shield have no significant correlation to the the capital structure manufacturing listed companies on the GEM

Key words: Growth Enterprises Martket; manufacturing industry; listed company; capital structure; influencing factors.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2.3 国内外研究现状述评 4

1.3 研究内容与研究方法 4

1.3.1 研究内容 4

1.3.2 研究方法 5

第2章 资本结构的理论研究基础 6

2.1 传统资本结构理论 6

2.2 现代资本结构理论 7

2.3新资本结构理论 8

2.4 资本结构理论的评价与借鉴 9

2.4.1 资本结构理论的评价 9

2.4.2 资本结构理论的借鉴 10

第3章 创业板制造业上市公司资本结构的特征与影响因素 11

3.1 创业板制造业上市公司的资本结构特征分析 11

3.1.1 资产负债率偏低 11

3.1.2 流动负债比例过大 12

3.1.3 长期资本有强烈的股权融资偏好 13

3.1.4 大股东持股比例高 13

3.2 创业板制造业上市公司资本结构的影响因素 14

3.2.1 宏观经济因素 14

3.2.2 公司特征因素 15

第4章 创业板制造业上市公司资本结构实证分析 18

4.1 数据来源与样本选择 18

4.2 研究假设与变量选择 18

4.2.1 研究假设 18

4.2.2 变量选择 20

4.3 实证研究过程 20

4.3.1 描述性统计 20

4.3.2 因子分析 21

4.3.3多元线性回归 24

第5章 实验结果分析与对策建议 26

5.1实证结果分析 26

5.1.1 宏观经济因素 26

5.1.2 公司特征因素 27

5.2 对策建议 27

5.2.1 从上市公司层面 27

5.2.2 从监管部门层面 28

第6章 总结与展望 30

6.1 全文总结 30

6.2 研究展望 30

参考文献 31

附录A 33

附表B 35

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