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 2021-03-13 23:16:25  

摘 要









The number of car ownership is increasing rapidly in the world, and the pressure on environmental damage is increasing. Many countries have set up more strict emission regulations. At the same time, the rapid development of new technologies and the extensive use of new electronic equipment makes the vehicle power demand further improve, in the face of these actual situation, the upgrade of power system voltage is imperative. In the late 1990s, the industry proposed a group of 12V lead-acid batteries in series into 36V battery pack to increase the power bus voltage to 42V program, but progress blocked. In 2011, five German car manufacturers released and adopted the 48V power system specifications, known as the LV148, since then many OEMs and parts manufacturers have been on the car 48V power system were studied and analyzed. 48V car power system has become the focus of the world.

The main contents of this paper are divided into the following aspects:

1. Study the development of automotive power system. With the continuous development of automotive technology, automotive power systems are also progressing, the power system voltage from the beginning of the 6V step by step upgrade to the future 48V, which faces many challenges, many domestic and foreign vehicle manufacturers and parts manufacturers are The 48V power supply system was studied.

2.48V power system construction. In this paper, a hybrid vehicle as the object, first determine the relevant vehicle parameters and 48V power supply system batteries, motors, AC / DC converters, DC / DC converters, voltage regulators and other components of the parameters. And then built a 48V power supply system.

3.The operation mode, the braking energy management strategy, the lithium battery energy management system and the fuzzy energy management strategy of the light hybrid electric vehicle equipped with the 48V power supply system are studied and analyzed.

4. Simulink was used to establish the steady-state system model of 12V traditional fuel vehicle and 48V power supply system. The performance of 48V power supply system was analyzed by simulating the different speed and load conditions.

Key words: power supply system; 48V; Sinmulink; light hybrid vehicle; characteristic analysis


第1章绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 汽车电源系统的的组成及作用 1

1.1.2 汽车电源系统的发展概述 1

1.1.3 选择48V电源系统的意义 2

1.2 汽车48V电源系统的国内外发展现状 4

1.2.1 汽车48V电源系统的国外发展现状 4

1.2.2 汽车电源系统的国内发展现状 6

1.3 论文主要研究内容 7

第2章 48V电源系统电路设计 8

2.1 汽车48V电源系统电气方案的选择 8

2.2 汽车48V电源系统主要部件的选型设计以及参数选取 10

2.2.1 汽车48V蓄电池的选型及参数的选取 10

2.2.2 锂电池包的设计 13

2.2.3 汽车48V电源系统电机相关参数的选取及工作特性分析 14

2.2.4 汽车48V电源系统其他组成部分的选型 16

2.3 本章小结 17

第3章 搭载48V电源系统汽车能量管理分析 18

3.1 48V电源系统汽车运行模式分析 18

3.2 汽车48V电源系统的制动能量回收系统分析 18

3.3 汽车48V电源系统电池管理系统分析 20

3.3.1 锂电池测量模型的建立 21

3.3.2 锂电池的SOC预估 22

3.4 轻型混合动力汽车模糊逻辑能量管理策略 22

3.5 本章小结 25

第4章 汽车48V电源系统建模、仿真及特性分析 27

4.1 MATLAB/Simulink软件及相关概念介绍 27

4.2 汽车12V电源系统稳态模型的建立 28

4.3 汽车12V电源系统稳态模型的特性分析 34

4.4 汽车48V电源系统稳态模型的建立 36

4.5 汽车48V电源系统稳态模型的特性分析 40

4.6 本章小结 41

第5章全文总结与工作展望 42

5.1 全文总结 42

5.2 工作展望 42

参考文献 44

附录 46

致 谢 47



      1. 汽车电源系统的的组成及作用



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