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 2021-03-15 20:02:52  

摘 要







Emergency management of emergencies is an inevitable problem in the process of human social development. The emergency decision not only involves a multidisciplinary knowledge, but also requires multi-sector coordination. Therefore, in the process of emergency decision-making, intelligence activities, such as intelligence collection, collation, analysis, transmission and utilization, play an important supporting role.

First of all, on the basis of fully understanding the status quo of intelligence work of emergent emergency decision-making in our country, this paper chooses several classic emergencies cases and analyzes them from the perspective of intelligence, so as to draw the preliminary conclusion that intelligence plays an important support role in decision-making. The high-quality and high-efficiency information can improve the quality and efficiency of decision-making, while low-quality and inefficient intelligence will reduce the level of decision-making, resulting in the tragedy consequences.

Secondly, this paper makes a theoretical study on the supporting role of intelligence in emergency decision-making environment, and analyzes the model and process structure of intelligence supporting emergency decision-making, and clarifies the mechanism of intelligence supporting decision-making. In the emergency management, system is very important, but the role of people can not be ignored, personnel are the key link of the interaction between intelligence and decision-making.

Finally, the paper puts forward two suggestions on the shortcomings of the emergency intelligence work in our country. On the one hand, we should strengthen the construction of the intelligence talent team and improve the cognitive ability of the intelligence personnel. On the other hand, aiming at the existing problems in emergency management system, based on the principle of information system construction, We should construct an emergency decision-making intelligence system to enhance the emergency response capability. The emergency decision-making intelligence service system is an organic whole, which based on the information resources as the center, using the emergency as the information carrier, with the emergency decision-making as the goal, using the information comprehensive application platform as the information exchange station. The system automatically monitors digs and sorts out the data in the Internet large data environment, maintains the orderly operation of the system with reasonable staffing and organization, respectively achieves coordination between multi information-systems and multi intelligence-bodies, improves the efficiency of information transmission, so as to provide effective decision support for all stages of the incident.

Key Words:Emergencies; Emergency decision-making; Intelligence; Emergency decision-making intelligence system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究综述 2

1.2.1 国外研究综述 2

1.2.2 国内研究综述 2

1.3 研究方法和研究内容 3

1.3.1 研究方法 3

1.3.2 研究内容 3

第2章 情报视角下的突发事件案例分析 5

2.1案例一之事故灾难:青岛东黄输油管道爆炸事故 5

2.2案例二之自然灾害事件:朱雀洞村特大地质灾害 7

2.3案例三之公共卫生事件:SARS事件 9

2.4本章小结 10

第3章 面向应急决策的情报支撑作用理论分析 11

3.1突发事件应急管理的情报工作分析 11

3.1.1 情报工作存在问题 11

3.1.2 情报工作问题分析 12

3.2突发事件应急管理的决策工作分析 14

3.3突发事件应急管理中情报支撑决策的模式和架构分析 15

3.3.1情报支撑突发事件应急决策的运行模式 15

3.3.2情报支撑突发事件应急决策的过程架构 16

第4章 发挥情报支撑作用的相关建议 19

4.1加强情报队伍建设,提高情报人员的认知能力 19

4.2构建统一协调的应急决策情报体系 19

4.2.1突发事件应急决策情报体系构建原则 20

4.2.2突发事件应急决策情报体系主要功能 20

第5章 结论 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论




1995年日本阪神地震,由于情报没有得到及时的传递,受灾群众没有得到抢险救援人员的及时救助,导致重大人员伤亡[2]。2001年911 事件的发生就是由于情报的不足及缺乏内部的信息交流导致的,并最终引起美国整个情报体系的大动荡。2003年非典疫情肆虐,有关部门对情报判断失误,没能及时开始应急处置,造成了严重后果。2011年甬温铁路线上发生了重大的动车事故,这是由于设备发生故障后情报流通不畅、应急处置不力等原因才导致了悲剧的发生。2013年11月22日山东青岛中石化的一段输油管道发生了爆炸,由于决策者对事件演化的情报判断失误,没有及时封锁现场和撤离附近居民,酿成了大错[3]。2014年马航失踪事件也是由于客机与地面塔台失去联系,指挥中心情报中断,各国搜寻工作缓慢且各自为战,没有形成情报信息网络,才导致舆论四起,事件进一步恶化。



1.2 国内外研究综述

1.2.1 国外研究综述

情报最早是在军事领域发挥其对决策的支持作用。国外很多研究人员对这个课题早有论述。例如,Kent认为,情报与决策的关系要保证恰到好处,不能过于疏远,也不能过于亲近,太远会失去政策的指导,太近则无法保证公正与客观。有鉴于此,肯特认为协调好情报与决策之间三方面的关系至关重要: 一是情报工作者与决策者之间的交流和理解; 二是情报与决策应当不即不离; 三是情报机构与决策机构应该尽量地分开[5]。Kendal也指出情报的存在是为了使决策趋于完善,比如情报可以直接支撑美国在重大国际事务上的决策。

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