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 2021-03-15 20:18:01  

摘 要









The "national reading" model is constantly changing with the development of national political economy. In the era of all media publishing, on the current situation of national comprehensive reading, the national level has attached great importance to the national development strategy, but compared with many countries, is still at a low level. It has become an important research topic that how to strengthen the construction of the book publishing, and how to develop innovative strategies to improve the reading rate of the whole people. The "national reading" model is constantly changing with the development of national political economy. In the era of all media publishing, on the current situation of national comprehensive reading, the national level has attached great importance to the national development strategy, but compared with many countries, is still at a low level. It has become an important research topic that how to strengthen the construction of the book publishing, and how to develop innovative strategies to improve the reading rate of the whole people.

This paper will discuss the national reading and Book publishing.

The first chapter is the introduction. It mainly introduces the background and significance of this study, and the related concepts of reading and book publishing. It also has a macro understanding of the whole people's reading and Book publishing.

The second chapter mainly analyzes the current situation of the whole people reading in our country and some problems existing in the book publishing market, so that we can think about how to solve it.

The third chapter based on the analysis of current situation of China's national reading and problems based on the book content, market order, press transformation, from the perspective of book publishing in the analysis of how to improve the rate of reading, the feasibility of the proposed.

The fourth chapter is the foreign experiences for China, from the library, social welfare organizations and the media three aspects boost publishing development, finally realize the nationwide reading and publishing win-win, effectively improve the quality of national culture.

Key words: nationwide reading; book publishing; strategic thinking


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2文献综述 2

1.3全民阅读与图书出版相关概念 3

1.3.1全民阅读相关概念 3

1.3.2图书出版相关概念 3

第2章 我国“全民阅读”现状以及图书出版存在的问题 5

2.1国内全民阅读现状 5

2.2相关法规政策以及存在的问题 6

2.3社会图书出版资源分配不均 6

2.4缺乏优质内容,图书市场秩序有待规范 7

2.5图书出版市场环境与个人阅读素养 7

第3章.以图书出版为视角,推进“全民阅读”的战略举措 8

3.1健全“全民阅读”相关政策与制度 8

3.2以“内容为王”为导向 8

   3.2.1注重图书产品核心价值 9

   3.2.2打造畅销书的同时,做好“常销书” 9

   3.2.3坚持内容创新 9

3.3注重传统媒体与新媒体的融合与发展 9

   3.3.1图书出版主体多元化 10

   3.3.2传统媒体加快转型 10

   3.3.3内容提供方与技术方应携手共同促进 10

3.4少儿出版是重要组成部分 11

3.4.1重视少儿图书产品创新,延伸产业链 11

第4章 借鉴国外优秀经验 13

4.1国外相关举措 13

4.2完善图书馆与公共图书资源建设 16

4.2.1图书馆发挥社会职能,资源“用之于民” 16

4.2.2创新服务模式 16

4.3公益组织加强对贫困及偏远地区阅读活动推广 17

4.4媒介组织重视“图书出版”,助推“全民阅读” 17

结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第1章 绪论



开展“全民阅读”[1]活动早在党的十六大关于建设学习型社会中提出,2011年《新闻出版业“十二五”时期发展规划》首次将“全民阅读工程”纳入新闻出版公共服务建设工程。在2013 年将《全民阅读促进条例》列入国家立法计划,并纳入人大立法进程。2014 和 2015 连续两年将“倡导全民阅读”写入《国务院政府工作报告》。2016年,十八届五中全会把“倡导全民阅读”、“推动国民素质和社会文明程度显著提高”列为“十三五”时期的重要工作,这是我国制定的首个国家级“全民阅读”规划。





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