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 2021-03-15 20:52:37  

摘 要


Abstract 5

绪 论 6

1.1引言 6

1.2选题的目的及探究内容 6

1.2.1目的 6

1.2.2意义 8

视障儿童的需求及现状分析 8

2.1 视障儿童的生理心理分析 8

2.2 产品设计现状分析 8

2.3 盲文打印的相关产品和技术 9

2.3.1盲文输入/输出的相关产品的现状 10

3.1.1盲文打印的技术分析 10

产品的调研与设计理念 11

3.1目标人群调查研究与结论 11

3.2设计理念的运用 11

3.2.1人性化设计 11

(1)人性化设计的基本概念 11

(2)人性化理念的具体运用 12

3.2.2情感化设计 13

(1)情感化设计的基本概念 13

(2)情感化理念的具体运用 13

设计定位与展开 15

4.1 盲文打印机的具体定位与分析 15

4.2 设计展开 15

4.2.1设计情景分析 15

4.2.2设计方案确定 16

结 论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

摘 要






At every stage of the development of history, there is a vulnerable group. As the social and economic development develops, the interests of the disadvantaged are gradually coming into view. Among them, the blind as a large part of the disadvantaged group are more widely concerned. At the same time, the education problem of disabled children has become a top priority in protecting the legitimate interests of disadvantaged groups.

This paper studies the status quo and the improvement method of education children in primary and middle school in China. Through analyzing the current situation of visually impaired children education environment, combined with related technology (such as braille printing), aiming at the existing problem of visually impaired children's learning and improvement methods, and the inconvenience of going to the specific location and design of products.

People through to the visually impaired children in learning, the difficulties encountered in the process of product research, looking for suitable for visually impaired children's modern primary and secondary schools, the feasibility of the larger study way, and specific application to the products, based on the research of the Blair braille method, combination of primary and middle school students learning process integration and design again,and the analysis of each link in the design and specification.

Key words:Learning tools,; visually impaired children,;design

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言



1.2 选题的目的及研究内容



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