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 2021-03-21 21:19:05  

摘 要









In recent years,the mobile Internet boom. PC Internet market gradually saturated and handheld terminal equipment costs are reduced, are accelerating the development of mobile Internet technology. According to CamStore survey data, nearly half (45%) of smartphone user spend their time on their most frequently used App, while they spend 73% of their time on the top three App. Due to the limitations of mobile device storage capacity, mobile users do not want to download a lot of applications, or not open programs downloaded again.Users is more willing to spend time on social networks, music, games.

In the face of critical mobile user groups, mobile developers and operators must ensure a good user experience, which requires mobile applications with good dynamic capabilities. Dynamic includes two aspects, code hot deployment and code hot fix. Dynamic technology allows mobile applications to be incrementally updated and can be updated without user awareness. This thesis explore and design one plan of hot patch on the Android application. The hot fix solution consists of three main links, which are the construction of the patch, the release of the patch, the synthetic loading of the patch.

First of all, this article on the patch construction tool workflow made a detailed description of the patch tool on the Android package Dex files, resource files, dependent library files were built patch. The tool is based on the Android project builder gradle, and the configuration of the patch build process is managed by the gradle script.

The patch file generated by the patch build tool should be recoveredbefore properly loaded by the application. The second part of this paper introduces the recovery process and the loading method of the patch, and discusses the algorithm of thepatch process.

This paper designs and implements a patch release management platform, which is implemented by PHP language, and server on Nginx to provide patch release, management and data statistics service for Android application developers.

Finally, this paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the hot update scheme, and puts forward the direction of further improvement of the system. It is hoped that this update scheme will have a wider scope of application and a better access experience.

Key Words:mobile;hot patch;dynamic;


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3本文研究内容 2

1.4本文组织结构 3

第2章 基于Gradle的补丁自动化构建工具设计与实现 4

2.1 Gradle介绍 4

2.2 Binary diff/patch 工具 5

2.3 补丁的构建 5

2.3.1 Dex文件补丁生成 5

2.3.2 Resource补丁生成 7

2.3.3 so补丁文件生成 9

2.4 注意事项 10

2.4.1 Manifest文件校验 10

2.4.2资源文件id映射 10

2.4.3混淆文件映射 12

第3章 补丁合成算法的设计与实现 13

3.1补丁合成前的校验 13

3.1.1 Android应用签名 13

3.1.2 签名的校验 13

3.2 DEX补丁文件的合成 14

3.2.1 DEX文件有效性校验 14

3.2.2 DEX文件合成算法 15

3.3 资源补丁文件的合成 16

3.3.1 资源文件补丁有效性校验 16

3.3.2 资源补丁的合成 17

第4章 补丁的加载流程的设计与实现 18

4.1 Application代理 18

4.2 DEX补丁的加载 19

4.3 资源补丁的加载 19

4.4 so补丁的加载 20

4.4.1 ABI的选择 20

4.4.2 so文件加载 22

第5章 补丁发布平台的设计与实现 22

5.1 总体设计 22

5.1.1 功能描述 22

5.1.2 PHP与Nginx 23

5.2数据库设计 23

第6章 系统测试 26

6.1 补丁构建工具测试 26

6.2 接入补丁发布平台测试 27

第7章 总结与展望 31

7.1本文工作总结 31

7.2 未来工作展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 33

第1章 绪论


2003年10月,“Android之父”安迪·鲁宾在美国创建了Android科技公司。2005年7月月11日,Google收购了Android科技公司。2007年11月,Google发布Android1.0系统(Beta版),并联合硬件制造商、软件开发商以及移动运营商组建Open Handest Alliance(OHA,开放手机联盟),共同研发与改进Android系统。2008年9月,Google正式发布了Android1.0系统。随着3G、4G等网络基础设施的进一步发展,Android操作系统在全球范围内也普及开来。据《Android发展的分析与研究》[1]研究表明,2011年第一季度,Android在全球的市场份额首次超过塞班系统,跃居全球第一。2012年2月,Android占据全球智能手机操作系统市场52.5%的份额,中国市场占有率为68.4%。


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